By Martin Kiff
Healdsburg High Schools Girls Golf Team is about to wrap up the pennant this next week in the NBL Redwood division.
Led by the top senior in the county, Tehya Mitchell, so far the Hounds are undefeated in match play. Tehya, according to her coaches, is an outstanding college-level player who is averaging one stroke over par this season.
This season’s surprise is that underclassman Siena Yeilding and Amber Dhiman are the second- and third-best players in the league. Zella Santana, Roisin O’Herlihy, Lucy Behrens and Lola Hagen are also strong players who have posted winning scores.
The Hounds wrap up league play on Oct. 17 at Maria Carrillo and then will compete in NCS on Oct. 28 at Rooster Run Golf Course in Petaluma.
The players and coaches would like to thank the Healdsburg Men’s and Women’s clubs for their terrific support along with the Tayman Park staff for their generosity and absolute support to both the Boys and Girls golf programs throughout the year.
Martin Kiff is the coach of the Healdsburg girls golf program.