Farmers’ Market: Healdsburg Certified Farmers’ Market, Saturdays until Dec. 17. Featuring a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as other items, the market celebrates the agricultural heritage of this area. At West Plaza Park, North Street, 8:30am to noon.
City Council: Meeting of Monday, Nov. 21 will include discussion of the bicycle bollard issue, delayed from the canceled Nov. 7 meeting. Other topics to be announced, 6pm at City Council Chambers, 401 Grove St., and by watching on facebook.com/cityofhealdsburg.
Planning Commission: Meeting of Tuesday, Nov. 22, has been canceled. Next regularly scheduled meeting, Dec. 13, may include design review of affordable housing project of 118 residential units on an approximately 12-acre site, at Saggio Hills. The Commission meets at City Chambers at 6pm.
Healdsburg Turkey Trot: On Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, Nov. 24, the annual 5K run/walk through the streets of Healdsburg, from the Healdsburg Running Company, 333 Center St., 8am., raising money for the “Live Like Drew” Drew Esquivel Scholarship for Healdsburg athlete/scholars.
Craft Fair: Artists interested in displaying their hand-crafted items at the Healdsburg Senior Center are invited to call 707-433-3324 by Nov. 25. Placement fee of $30 allows a table and chair; the artists keep all proceeds from the sale of their items. The Craft Fair will be on Dec. 8 at the Healdsburg Senior Center, 133 Matheson St., from 11am to 4pm.
Merry Healdsburg: Tree Lighting Celebration on Friday, Dec. 2, from 5-8:30pm at Healdsburg Plaza. Participants can celebrate the holidays on the Plaza with Merry Healdsburg festivities, a winter wonderland downtown with carriage rides, live holiday music and more. Event is hosted by the City of Healdsburg Community Services in partnership with the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce.
Blues: Elvin Bishop and Big Fun Trio, Dec. 2 at the Raven, 7:30pm. See story in this issue.
City Council Meeting: Monday, Dec. 5, 6pm. Agenda to be announced, at City Council Chambers, 401 Grove St., and by watching on facebook.com/cityofhealdsburg.Coffee with the City: Join City Manager Jeff Kay and other staff for city-related topics on Thursday, Dec. 8, at Healdsburg Library, 119 Piper St. Questions will be taken; refreshments will be served. 5:30pm.