November 5, 1952 – April 4, 2021. Glen died the other day during Jesus’ resurrection. His body finally gave out. Glen survived a stroke about 4 years ago and dealt with that for awhile living in various places around the county. Glen was generous, caring, compulsive, creative, grumpy, slightly abusive at times, opinionated, and unabashed. He was a true character, the likes of which we will never see again. Healdsburg lost a great one. He bought the skating rink/dance hall “Palomar” on Fitch Mountain in the early 80’s and lived there steadily for 30 + years. Glen’s careers were wide and varied. He was mainly a plumbing contractor in Healdsburg but he also was a neon fabricator (Raven Theater Sign), real estate agent, medical equipment repairman, and a psych tech. He was also a crazy magnet, collector of many, many things (hoarder really…), a member of Mensa, and an all around craftsman. He could do it all. He loved going to city gov’t meetings and sitting on the “bench.” Maybe you’ve had a conversation or two when he was downtown on the bench. He loved to talk and laugh. Glen also had an uncanny ability to know when dinner was just finished. Showing up with a fork in hand. He was a pretty good cook too, country ribs especially. Glen is survived by son Eddie and daughter Zoe, step children Danny and Loretta, grandson Eddie Jr., brothers Jan and Ken, hundreds of friends and a few… There will be a celebration of life on May Day at the Del Rio Woods Beach around 11am. Plan on sharing a story. Come early if you want parking. Some types of refreshments will be served and maybe a button or two to take with you. All are invited but wear a mask.

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