Chief Carlos Basurto – Photo Carmen Basurto

Former Windsor Police Chief Carlos Basurto has released a statement on social media discussing his recent battle with COVID-19, which culminated in a 20-day hospital stay, including intubation and six days of unconsciousness. Basurto retired in May 2019 after two and a half years in the post.
“For those who don’t know I was hospitalized with the COVID-19 virus,” Basurto wrote. “After 20 days in the hospital, I finally made it back home last night. I have to say, I’ve never been so scared in my life and now, I’ve never been so grateful. Grateful and thankful to you all, for the emotional and spiritual support you gave to my family while I was down and out. The good lord Jesus Christ got me through all this, but my thoughts and worries were always with my family. To come out of this and discover everything that my friends and family did and still do today to make sure they were cared for, fed and prayed for was overwhelming and still brings me to tears. There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are, and I just want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget and hope to personally thank you when I am well enough.”
According to Basurto, he contracted the virus while on a family vacation in New Orleans, a vacation, he admits, his wife asked him to cancel. “My response to her was … verbatim … ‘We’re not canceling. This thing is supposed to be just like the flu.’”
According to Basurto, he had been in New Orleans about five days when he began to feel ill, primarily with fatigue and loss of appetite. He decided to fly home two days later, as his illness was worsening. 
“While on the plane in the morning I began to deteriorate at a pretty rapid rate. Fever, exhaustion and a mild, dry cough. We arrived home around 5 p.m. and my fever had shot up to 102 degrees and I had difficulty breathing,” Basurto wrote. “By about 11 that night I could barely breath and headed to the E.R. I’ve lived with asthma all my life and have suffered through bronchitis various times, but I had never felt like this before, nor has a respiratory illness ever come on so fast before either.”
Basurto detailed his rapid deterioration as his pneumonia worsened. He was intubated on day five and proceeded to lose consciousness for six days. Though he has returned home, he stated he continues to have breathing difficulties and the virus has caused issues with his legs that have him currently using a walker.
Though he credits the various antiviral and antibiotic drugs used in my treatment, he also credits his faith with helping him through the illness.
Basurto concluded his writing with a list of reasons as to why he decided to share his story, including confirming that in fact COVID-19 is not the flu, and to take all precautions seriously, and that those with pre-existing conditions and should be seen as soon as they feel any symptoms.
He finished with the list on a lighter note. “And last, but not least … if you’re a husband, listen to your wife, they’re smarter than us. If you’re a wife, forgive him but put your foot down, you’re also tougher than he is.”
Basurto was treated at Sutter Santa Rosa, and thanks the medical and nursing staff for their care.

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