100 years ago–March 29, 1923
Current From Geysers to Be First of Its Kind in U.S.
Within 30 days, electricity generated by steam from the bowels of the earth will be in practical use for the first time in the United States, officials of The Geysers Development Co. announced Thursday. Current generated will be used to supply illumination for the resort’s hotel and grounds.
Almost unanimously, stockholders in The Geysers Development Company in this district have agreed to pay the amounts of their subscriptions by the first of April in order that development work may start immediately.
The agreement will permit the officials of the company to go immediately forward with incorporation proceedings, and when completed the placing of machinery, erection of poles, and stringing of wires from The Geysers to this city will follow, and within five or six months current developed at The Geysers should be supplying light and power in this city.
75 years ago–March 26, 1948
Girls’ Event Added to Kite Contest
A special kite flying event for girls was incorporated in the Kite Contest plans of the Sotoyome Post of the American Legion, Kenneth Jamieson reported this week. Picture doll prizes will be awarded to the girls with the prettiest and most originally designed kite, he said.
The Kite Contest, scheduled for Saturday, March 27, at 1:30 p. m. at the Elementary School grounds features five different events for boys and the newly added event for girls. Twenty-five prizes will be awarded to the best five entrants in each of the five events.
50 years ago–March 29, 1973
Blossom Tour Holds Steady, Continues to Bring Visitors
Although the blossoms were on the wane and the weather could have been better, the 13th annual spring blossom tour last weekend attracted about the same number of visitors as last year. About 1,650 persons signed the guest register at the tour headquarters in Villa Chanticleer, according to Frank Thrall, manager of the sponsoring Chamber of Commerce. As usual, the guest register is not an accurate count of the weekend visitors, because many bypass the Villa on the tour route.
The Russian River Farm Bureau also served about the same number of meals in Alexander Valley Community Hall this year. There were as many as 10 busloads of hungry tourists waiting in line at one time.
Even though the prune blossoms and mustard bloom were over the hill, Thrall said he heard no complaints from the visitors, who were mostly from the Bay Area. They seemed to simply enjoy the tour in the country, the Villa and the attractive commercial exhibits in the main hall. Many persons indicated they will return May 12 for the second annual Russian River May Wine Fest in the city’s plaza.
Provided by the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society.