100 years ago – July 5, 1923
Organization of Kiwanis Club Is Completed Here
About fifty business and professional men of Healdsburg attended a luncheon at the Plaza hotel today, when organization of the Healdsburg local of the Kiwanis Club was completed. The meeting was the largest attended since the first steps to bring a Kiwanis Club into being here were taken by a group of business leaders.
Eight members of the Napa Kiwanis were present to see the local organization completed. The Napa men were responsible for the organization of the local club, coming here some time ago to meet with the Healdsburg men and assist them in starting the club.
The Kiwanis Club is an international organization of the booster type. Every progressive city in the country boasts a Kiwanis, and they are mentioned in the same breath with Rotary and commercial clubs.
75 years ago – July 9, 1948
Fourth of July Revelers Celebrate at Del Rio Woods
Blustery weather and overcast skies kept some Fourth of July revelers at home, but out at Del Rio Woods young people of the Fitch Mountain area, as well as boys and girls of Healdsburg and vicinity, crowded onto the beach at Palomar to celebrate the national holiday in grand style.
Over 1,000 hot dogs, ice cream bars and bottles of soft drinks disappeared before the afternoon was over, according to John Dissmeyer, president of the Del Rio Woods Home Owner’s Association. Following the afternoon beach party of contests, races and games, the young people enjoyed dancing at the Palomar and a fireworks display put on at the conclusion of the celebration.

50 years ago – July 2, 1973
Is No Dam the Answer? The Disquiet of Del Rio Angers Residents
For years the beach at Del Rio Woods has drawn summer residents to a quiet spot on the Russian River. But ever since it became the county’s “in” spot, things haven’t been quiet. Throngs of people crowd it every day and on weekends, they so congest Fitch Mountain Road that passage becomes nearly impossible. Underaged youths drinking beer, fights, burglaries, even stabbings, have turned the once quiet area into a nightmare.
The problems have become so numerous that there is talk among regular residents of not putting up the summer dam next year. The homeowners association, however, does not legally control the summer dam, although they are financially tied to it. Resident deputy Larry Liebschure said a variety of people use the beach—families, juveniles, hippies and Hell’s Angels (his descriptions). Criminal activities included a large number of house and auto burglaries in the area.
It was unlikely that the homeowners’ and recreation district’s arch enemy, canoe king W.C. Trowbridge, would escape his share of criticism. Audience members claimed there was no way persons with property fronting the river could maintain privacy or security with the large numbers of canoeists present. Collecting the canoes at the beach and getting them ready for transport down river caused enormous problems.
The Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society is located at 221 Matheson St. Open hours are 11am to 4pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Admission is free, donations accepted.