100 years ago
January 31, 1924
World Champion Wrestler Signed to Wrestle Locally

Ad Santell, light heavyweight champion wrestler of the world, has been signed to appear in Healdsburg, on Wednesday, February 13, who not only has defeated all men of his weight who have met him on the mat, but who has also held his own with such heavier men as Strangler Lewis and Joe Stecher. Santell will wrestle here under the auspices of Sotoyome Post No. 111, American Legion. Arrangements for the exhibition were completed Tuesday.
As opponent for Santell, Sam Williams, Chicago heavyweight champion, will don tights for the contest in the local Legion hall. Williams is on the coast in preparation for a bout with Strangler Lewis, and is a fit opponent for the light-heavy champion.
75 years ago
January 21, 1949
Adopted town to be named after count of ballots
Plans were advanced for the adoption of a city in Europe at a meeting of interested area residents at the Healdsburg High School Thursday evening, January 13. Mrs. H. A. McCarrie, presiding over the European aid group, said no specific town was chosen, but that ballots will be mailed out this week for the selection of a town.

Towns in France and Italy were favored by those attending the meeting since towns in Germany are being adequately supplied by occupation forces, it was learned. Church groups are also caring for towns in Germany, it was revealed, and under the circumstances, it was felt a closer and more personal relationship would develop if a town in Italy or France were chosen.
All household items will be solicited from people in the Healdsburg area and will be sent to the adopted community. Items mentioned at the meeting included clothing, shoes, needles and buttons. Children of the Elementary school in Healdsburg will originate plays with admission being school supplies which will be included in the bundles sent to the overseas town. Personal visits by members of the group will be made to area organizations soliciting aid in the movement.
50 years ago
January 24, 1974
DFG report charges Geothermal energy pollutes
Contrary to the belief of many, recent studies by Department of Fish and Game biologists show that geothermal development in the Geysers area of Sonoma County is having a pronounced adverse effect upon the excellent fish and wildlife habitat of the area. The Geysers pollute.
Although it is generally believed geothermal energy is non-polluting to the environment the well drilling activity has resulted in heavy erosion of hillsides, silting of streams, pollution of streams with drilling muds and detergents, and the possible killing of fish.
DFG biologists are fearful that the planned huge expansion of geothermal activities in California will result in drastic environmental damage unless the companies doing the drilling can be persuaded or required to adopt stringent conservation measures, a DFG news release says.
Research and materials provided by the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society. The Museum, located at 221 Matheson St., is open 11am to 4pm, Thursdays through Sundays.