100 years ago:
April 24, 1924
Wine Moves East from Healdsburg
Another movement of wine from a bonded winery of the Healdsburg section under permit from the federal authorities is reported by G. Mezzasalma of the Diana Packing Company. Mr. Mezzasalma has just shipped three carloads of wine to eastern buyers and within a short time expects to make other larger shipments. He states that he will have shipped a very considerable quantity of wine before the end of June. The wine being moved has been sold in advance shipment, indicating a reawakening in the market for wine for sacramental, medical and scientific purposes. His is the second large shipment recently reported.

75 years ago:
April 22, 1949
Band Concert Memberships Gratifying
Response of area residents in support of the Healdsburg Summer Events Association’s call for one dollar memberships in the organization to help finance the summer band concerts in the Healdsburg Plaza, were termed as gratifying by one member of the group, who announced that to date more than 300 individuals have sent in membership money with subscriptions ranging from one dollar to five dollars.
Date for the first concert this year was not set at the last meeting of the Summer Events Association, but one spokesman presumed they would start early in July. Support of area residents by their subscriptions serves as an added endorsement to the popular summer concerts, a committee man said. He produced many letters commending the Summer Events Association for their work in organizing the band concerts.
50 years ago:
April 18, 1974

Dam Foes See Poison Threat
Warm Springs Dam Task Force spokesmen claim that “no fishing” signs may have to be posted because of mercury poisoning when the proposed project is completed. They are Dr. Ephraim Kahn, California Department of Health medical officer; and Dr Selina Bendix, environmental review officer for the City and County of San Francisco, who is a member of the state attorney general’s Task Force on Environmental Problems of the Bay Area.
The proposed dam and reservoir will inundate by 130 feet an abandoned mercury mine and Skaggs Springs geothermal area, whose hot springs are claimed to be laden with mercury compounds. Both term “insufficient, incorrect, incomplete and inadequate” the Corps of Engineers’ examination of the predictable mercury and other chemical problems connected with construction of the dam.
Dr Kahn stated, “it is most probable that fish in the Lake Sonoma project would contain levels of mercury in their flesh far above the acceptable level.” Dr Bendix goes on to question whether levels of boron, fluoride, asbestos and mercury will render the water from the project unusable for irrigation, human drinking water, livestock watering, or fish and wildlife habitat.
The Healdsburg Museum, at 221 Matheson St., is open 11am to 4pm, Thursdays through Sundays.
Well, the reference to the 50 year old comment on the mercurey mine could be important. Has there been any testing of the water that is in that mine to determine just how contaminated it may have become as all of that soil has been loosened by the lake water?