100 years ago: Aug. 30, 1923
Heat Wave Ends as Storm Breaks
A break of almost 20 degrees in the temperature marked the transition of the weather from hot wave to storm conditions. After several days of excessive warmth, with marks of 100 degrees recorded on Friday and Saturday, and 97 degrees on Sunday, the mercury fell on Monday to 79 for a high reading, a drop of 18 degrees.

During Monday night, the weather was sultry and the registering thermometer showed that the mercury stopped at 57 degrees for the lowest temperature. Despite storm conditions during the night, including a brisk shower of several minutes’ duration, only .08 of an inch of rainfall was recorded in the 24 hour period ended at 7 o’clock Tuesday morning.
75 years ago: Aug. 27, 1948
Registration for Draft to Begin Monday, Aug. 30

In Healdsburg, registration will take place at the high school from 8am to 5pm. If a registrant is not at the place of his permanent residence, he may register at any other high school or draft office.
Registration of 18 to 25-year-old youths in Healdsburg, and throughout the nation, will begin Monday, Aug. 30, in accordance with the Presidential Proclamation which sets in motion the Selective Service draft system. All men in the age bracket designated, except members actually in active service in the armed forces, and foreign diplomatic and consulate representatives, must register.
50 years ago: Aug. 30, 1973
Last Minute Changes, but HJH to Open as Usual
Some students may be surprised when they are assigned to a former hospital room to study history or math, “but the educational program at Healdsburg Junior High will not be curtailed in any way,” principal Ed Matteoli clearly stated.
Because the main building, declared an earthquake risk, has been closed to students, the modular classrooms and other space on the campus will house the expected enrollment of about 325 pupils. However, when it was learned that the modulars will not arrive in time, eleventh hour arrangements had to be made. The result is that four or five rooms in the old Healdsburg Hospital at Lincoln and Johnson Streets will be utilized until the mods are ready.
The Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society is located at 221 Matheson St. Hours are 11am to 4pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Admission is free; donations accepted.