100 years ago:
March 20, 1924
Redwood Highway Advertising Plan is Taken Up Here

Participation by Healdsburg in a $36,000 Redwood Highway advertising campaign was under consideration by directors and prominent members of the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce, following a luncheon at the Hotel Plaza Thursday, where the proposition was explained to those present.
The plan calls for the placing of at least 50 large art billboards advertising the Redwood Highway on every important highway intersection in the state of California and Oregon. On each of these billboards, which are to be of metal construction and good finish, will be a Redwood Highway scene and appropriate wording. At one side will be a 10 foot map of the highway. Each board will cost $20 a month for 36 months.
Chambers of Commerce from Grants Pass south to the Sonoma county line have already made appropriations for boards, and many individuals, hotels and garages have contributed for the erection of signs. After hearing the details of the advertising plan, the directors of the chamber decided to take the matter under consideration. They were very favorable to Healdsburg participation in the scheme.
75 years ago:
March 25, 1949
Self-Service Gas Station Being Built Here
The first “Serve yourself” gasoline station in this area is in the process of construction at a site approximately one-half mile north of Healdsburg in front of the Haugsten Farm Supply Company. George Haugsten, owner and promoter of the enterprise, said he expected to have the station in operation in “about a week.”
Plans call for an operation capable of handling 12 cars and two trucks at one time. One attendant will be on call to handle oil sales and make change for customers, Haugsten revealed. The customer will serve himself gasoline, attend to his own windshield, water for radiators, and tires. A saving to the consumer of four cents per gallon is expected.
Two innovations in the new system will be safety nozzles on the gasoline hoses and “pump rows” running at right angles to the highway instead of parallel to the street fronting the service station. Cars will turn off the highway and immediately will be in a position for service, and then circle around the pumps and drive back onto the highway.

50 years ago
March 21, 1974
Streaker Jaunts Through Safeway
A 17-year-old Healdsburg High School student was arrested early Friday night after leading police on a streaking jaunt through the Healdsburg Safeway store. Police were tipped off about the streak and were waiting for the young man, who entered the store through the south door at 8:25 pm and ran out the north exit. He was caught on Grant Street trying to barefoot it to safety. Police booked him for indecent exposure and being beyond parental control. He was released to his mother.
Research and materials provided by the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society. The Museum, located at 221 Matheson St., is open 11am to 4pm, Thursdays through Sundays.