City bus system in 1975
Photos courtesy of Healdsburg Museum INNER CITY Healdsburg Intra-City Bus System started carrying passengers 50 years ago this month, with an affordable, 25-cent fare.

100 years ago – Feb. 19, 1925


Healdsburg, along with three other California cities, gained recognition this month in Bird Lore, national magazine of the Audubon Society, because of the Christmas bird census taken here on December 23, 1924. California listed more species of bird life than any other state in the union, the honors going to San Diego. Healdsburg’s showing was very creditable.

75 years ago – Feb. 24, 1950


Proceedings for the purchase of the Annie Alexander estate property for the site of the Alexander Valley Union Elementary school are now underway, according to Robert Young, clerk of the school’s board of trustees. The site has already been approved by the Sonoma County Planning Commission and tentatively approved by the State Department of Schoolhouse Planning. Moreover, the property has been surveyed by the Sonoma County Surveyors office for the purpose of facilitating the efforts of the architect and other persons in the furtherance of work on this project.

Preliminary plans of the school building are now being drawn up by the architect, C. A. Caulkins, Jr. of Santa Rosa. Site for the school is on the south side of the Calistoga highway and borders on the Ben Cohen property.

50 years ago – Feb. 20, 1975


The Healdsburg Intra-City Bus System is expected to begin carrying its first passengers on March 3, City Manager James Stanfield has announced. The new city mini-bus, which can carry 15 passengers, will operate each weekday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., making five complete circuits of the residential districts within the city. The bus will begin the run from the Plaza and make two separate loops back to the downtown business district.

Future home of Alexander Valley School
SCHOOL SITE The purchase of the Annie Alexander estate property for the site of the Alexander Valley Union Elementary school got underway 75 years ago, in 1950.

Fares have been set at 25-cents, with a reduced price of 10-cents for the elderly and handicapped. Exact fares will be needed. Special cards to identify senior citizens are expected to be available at City Hall soon, although any valid identification can be used.

The city has purchased two minibuses for the program, with one serving as a back-up while the other is in service. Funds for the buses were obtained from a state Metropolitan Transportation Grant. The driver’s salary will be paid by the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act grant for at least 13 months. If the federal employment funds are not renewed under CETA, both state and federal transportation funds are available to continue to pay the driver’s salary. Thus the major portions of the muni system – capital outlay and salaries – have been covered by grants.

The Flashbackers are docents for the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society, 221 Matheson St.,

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