The following snippets of history are drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, the Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society. Admission is always free at the museum, open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
100 years ago – October 24, 1918
Many are ill with flu
The Spanish influenza has obtained a grip on Healdsburg, and many of the masks are now to be seen on the street and in the stores. One death has thus far occurred in Healdsburg, that of Miss Ruth Ingalls, who contracted the ailment at Lytton while teaching the school. The public schools, churches and lodges have been closed by order of the health officer, and no public meetings, other than war work activities, are permitted. The pool halls have also been closed. On the request of the city health officer a motion was passed at the meeting of the city trustees, requiring all paved streets to be flushed three times a week and other main traveled streets to be sprinkled dally, during the present influenza epidemic.
50 years ago – October 31, 1968
Plaza, Union Square have one thing in common.
If a city square or a city plaza have anything in common, it’s … Well, let’s take San Francisco’s Union Square and Healdsburg’s Plaza. In common, they’re square, have flowers, have shrubs and are dissected by walkways. And, they’ve got birds! Healdsburg’s worst side (of the plaza, that is) is the west side, where there are benches under fine redwoods just for visitors. It’s a logical spot for benches for visitors because this is where visitors would logically park, get out of their automobiles and approach a place to sit. We doubt if any visitor will ever sit on one of those benches. Healdsburg is known for a lot of things, mostly good, some indifferent, a few bad. But there’s no reason why we should be known for our birds. Let’s wipe ’em out. Let’s get that pigeon trap in action. There are others who would like to see a special hunting season set up with anyone privileged to shoot blackbirds, pigeons, et al as long as the shells hold out. The birds should go. So say citizens interested in beautification and a clean park.
25 years ago – October 29, 1993
Homecoming stresses equality of sexes
In a first for the local homecoming tradition and possibly influenced by the politically correct atmosphere of the 90s, it will be equal time for both sexes at Healdsburg High School when it comes to crowning homecoming royalty. This is the first year the student council has decided to encourage male students to run for positions of homecoming royalty. There will be a king, along with three princes from the freshmen through junior classes. It looks like the students at HHS like the idea, with a huge turnout of young men as candidates. Announcement of the winners and the crowning will take place at halftime