Healdsburg Airport, circa 1968

100 years ago – August 8, 1918
Mass meeting of Italian growers
A most enthusiastic meeting of the Grape Growers of Sonoma County was held Sunday afternoon at the Healdsburg Opera House. The purpose of the meeting was to protest against the proposed Prohibition Amendment in Congress, which would wipe out the grape growing industry of Sonoma County and of California. Father Andriano, acting as chairman, reminded the people of the unanimity with which the Italian residents of Healdsburg, Asti, Cloverdale and the rest of Sonoma County had supported all moves in war work — taking Liberty Bonds, War Savings Stamps and subscribing to the Red Cross. The percentage of soldiers of Italian ancestry in the American army is large and it would be a serious deprivation to the returning troops to find that prohibition had destroyed their liberties while they are offering themselves on the altar of the nation in the war for freedom. 
50 years ago – August 8, 1968
City interest high on airport project
Healdsburg city councilmen have indicated more than a passing interest in extending the main city airport runway an additional 530 feet, providing a turnaround at the south end and installing additional lights. Monday night the council heard city superintendent Waldo Iversen report the project was estimated at $6,541. William Lucius asked if it would be possible to not include the lighting extension at this time and was told the flyers felt it should be all in one project. If the lighting were not included, the airport would really be improved for only half of the time, during the daylight hours. Lucius noted that he had talked with Charlie Sharrock, airport operator, who had informed him the airport has received several requests lately from owners of aircraft which were too heavy to utilize the present strip.
25 years ago – August 18, 1993
Flowing fountain
If you’ve walked through the Plaza in Healdsburg since Friday, you’ve probably noticed that the fountain in the center is flowing once more after being idle for the past year.  The center pipe is now in working condition, but the smaller four pipes around the edge are still clogged because of vandalism and sticks and such being crammed down them.  To bring the fountain to its current state, the water circulation needed work, the pump needed replacing and there was no filter system. Along with the city, the Healdsburg Beautification Committee, with help from the Downtown Business District, have restored the fountain to its present condition. All are now involved in the process of deciding what steps to take next to offer a more aesthetically pleasing fountain. This could include affecting spray direction and adding sculptures.

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