FLAGS FLYING - Powell Street (now Plaza Street), between West (now Healdsburg Avenue) and Center streets, was an example on Labor Day of what all business streets in Healdsburg could look like if all business firms subscribed to the Veterans of Foreign Wa

100 years ago – August 22, 1918
Send in names of soldier boys
The Healdsburg Community Council has voted to mail each one of the boys who are in the service a copy of their home paper. It is their wish to get the names and addresses of all the boys who have gone from this section, and that includes all adjacent territory, including Windsor and Geyserville. A committee was appointed and it is requested that the name and address of every boy who has gone into the service be given to the committee by relatives and friends. This is not very much for each one to do, but it means so very much to the boys who are away from home. The committee requests that you attend to this at once.
50 years ago – August 22, 1968
Asks end to angle parking at plaza
A long standing complaint by Healdsburg’s driving public, the safety hazards caused by diagonal parking around the Plaza, and especially in front of the post office, was aired by councilman Al Giorgi at the council meeting Monday. He noted, that when he was police chief, he was always concerned about the dangers of an autoist rounding the corner from Matheson into Center Street just as two cars on each side of the street back out into the moving vehicle. He recommended that diagonal parking on the Plaza side of all four streets be eliminated and replaced with horizontal parking. This would not be a hardship on the merchants, he added, because not all of the parking places are ever filled. Cutting down on parking places would not be a factor. Rather, it would expedite the flow of traffic around the Plaza.
25 years ago – August 20, 1993
Bridge replacement plan revived
City officials have once again come to the proverbial bridge, Memorial Bridge that is.  But before they can cross it, or do anything else, they must decide whether to seismically retrofit it, refurbish it or spend between $4 and $9 million to replace it. At question is the controversial replacement of the Memorial Bridge, the historic 72-year-old crossing of the Russian River. The rusting, narrow, silver span has aged nearly two years since city officials last broached the sensitive subject of it replacement. An uproar of protest greeted plans to replace the span, listed in the National Register of Historical Structures, in November of 1990. The city is in line to receive considerable amounts of funding for the project from the state and federal governments, but there is a time limit for completion of the project, and a limit on what type of project will be funded.

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