Miller and Wagers prune drying yards, circa 1904, West Grant Street, where Highway 101 is now. Owen Gentry Wagers at front, at prune dipper; Mr. Tedford at rope; Dallas Wagers behind box; Tedford boy behind wagon; Marie Wagers (Phillips) sitting on steps.

100 years ago – November 22,1917
Attractive cartons of Sunsweet fruit from the fertile valleys of the Russian River
The California Prune Growers’ Association is having packed for the holiday trade of the Healdsburg section several thousand cartons of Sunsweet prunes. The packages are being put up by Miller & Gobbi and the Sherriffs Bros. packing house of this city. Each package will contain three pounds net of especially picked and packed Imperial prunes. These cartons will contain an artistic recipe book on how to cook and serve the famous Sunsweet prunes. A little art card of holiday greetings has been furnished by the local chamber of commerce for each package. The card reads as follows: “This box of prunes was packed in Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California. It is not only a personal holiday token to you, but bears with it a greeting from the pretty little City of Healdsburg, California, and all the people of its surroundings. The Healdsburg country is famous for the splendid quality of its French and Imperial Prunes. This season it produced approximately 20,000 tons of Sunsweet prunes, for which the very highest price was paid. These prunes were grown in the fertile Russian River, Dry Creek and Alexander Valleys and the adjacent foothills. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
50 years ago – November 16, 1967
Quiet ‘birds’ gather at Healdsburg Airport
About 15 sailplanes will be in Healdsburg this weekend for a regional soaring encampment at Healdsburg Airport. A triangular flight from Healdsburg to Calistoga to Windsor and return is expected to be the highlight of the meet which will include some plain old glidering around the area. The meet, one in a series of annual gatherings at selected airports in the northland, is under the sponsorship of the North Bay Soaring Association. The craft, which have a wingspan of about 50 feet, can travel at speeds up to 135 mph or more when conditions are right, and can cut down to a stalling speed of about 45 mph. Two tow planes will be on hand to lift the craft into the air. Sailplanes will be towed up to 2,000 feet where they will release and take off on their independent journeys. In addition to the flight activities, pilots and their pit crews (wives) will take part in a barbecue and potluck dinner at the airport Saturday night.
25 years ago – November 13, 1992
Museum toy show axed; board cites budget crunch
The Grinch may not steal Christmas in Healdsburg this year, but the mythical Dr. Seuss character has made off with a slice of city’s yuletide tradition. The annual display of antique toys at the Healdsburg Museum, the most popular display of the year, is apparently the latest of the budget crisis at city hall. “Believe me, it was a hard decision,” said Rhea Bain, the president of the Healdsburg Museum Board of Trustees.  “It’s heartbreaking, really. The children are going to be so disappointed.” Funding for the museum was cut this year, reducing paid staff time by 25 percent, according to Museum Curator Hannah Clayborn. “What gets affected the most is what the museum does and that affects exhibits,” Clayborn said. This is the first year in at least 13 years that the museum has not put up the antique toy display.

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