100 years ago – June 7, 1923
Old Stream Bed Found Under City
A subterranean river which flows through the heart of Healdsburg’s business district has been discovered through improvement work going on at the First National Bank. The old stream bed was reached during excavation for an underground tank, to be located beneath the sidewalk on the east side of the bank building.
The workers first became aware of it when they began to encounter water, which increased as greater depth was reached. At the depth of 12 feet, a small electric pump and a hand pump, working together, could not keep the water level down, and a larger pump was found necessary. At this depth, gravel and large rounded stones, such as are found in the river bed, were encountered in quantities.
It is believed that the Russian River, which annually changes its course, at one time flowed through the site now occupied by the city. The 1,500-gallon tank, to be used for oil storage for heating purposes, was installed today, after several thousand gallons of water had been pumped from the hole the past few days.

75 years ago – June 8, 1948
Roller Skating Rink to Open at Memorial Beach
A contract for the operation of a roller-skating rink, to be located at Memorial Beach, was consummated this week between the County of Sonoma and E. H. Owens and Mrs. Marian Matthies, co-partners in the enterprise. The building in which the rink is to be housed was formerly a dance pavilion and more recently, used by a lumber company. It is situated on the land being developed by the county as a public beach where Highway 101 crosses the Russian River.

50 years ago – June 8, 1973
Pacific Lumber Co. Sold, Name Change Made by New Owner
The Pacific Lumber Company’s retail lumber yard in Healdsburg has been purchased by David W. Ziedrich, who has announced that its name will be changed to Healdsburg Lumber Company. The sale became official May 25. Ziedrich reports that former Pacific management and employees will be retained in the yard, which is located at 359 Hudson St.
The new owner has been a building contractor for the past 18 years, 10 of them in Santa Rosa. He says the company will continue to supply plywood, lumber, hardware, roofing materials, doors, windows and anything else needed for construction. Ziedrich and his wife, Dolores, who is a registered nurse at Memorial Hospital in pediatrics, live in Santa Rosa with their four children.
The Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society is located at 221 Matheson St., Healdsburg. Open hours are 11am to 4pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Admission is free, donations accepted.