100 years ago – March 22, 1923
Style Show Scores a Hit
The fashion show staged by Rosenberg & Bush in their big West Street store was well received by Healdsburgers and visiting out-of-town people Friday evening and Saturday. The house was packed during the periods when the models, three of them on Friday and five today, displayed the latest modes in women’s dress.
There was a liberal sprinkling of men present, the gruff sex manifesting an unusual interest in the newest gowns. The store had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, and special lighting effects and a semi-concealed orchestra adding to the pretty arrangement.
75 years ago – March 19, 1948
$7,000 for Beach Improvements
Meeting at an adjourned session, city councilmen heard Jess Ratchford, city attorney, announce that he expects the County Board of Supervisors to proceed immediately to vote $7,000 for the improvement of the Memorial Beach project on the site where U.S. Highway 101 crosses the Russian River.
Last year the county purchased the land and building formerly occupied by the Russian River Lumber Company at a price of $40,000. The lumber company has vacated the property, and the project is awaiting funds for improvements of the building and lands, as well as the construction of a temporary dam across the river.
The Healdsburg National Guard now uses the structure for a meeting place. The building would be ideal for dances and public gatherings after it is cleaned up, painted and remodeled.
50 years ago – March 22, 1973
Council to Rename Streets
Several weeks ago the council renamed Heald Ave. to Rose Lane to avoid confusion with Healdsburg Ave. The action came at the suggestion of one resident who said most of those living on the street wanted it changed. Then residents petitioned to leave the name as it was, partly because of the inconvenience of changing it.
The council decided that if the fire and police chiefs felt in an emergency a dispatcher might confuse a name, they would change them, regardless of residents’ objections. The council authorized the street committee, city manager and city engineer to work on new names for all the streets under discussion: Powell Ave., Powell Ct., Powell St., Healdsburg Ave., Heald Ave., Magnolia Dr. and what is really West Magnolia Dr., that portion on the west side of the freeway.
Provided by the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society.