Barber shop on West Street (Healdsburg Avenue) – 1920s

100 years ago – November 4, 1920
Fall business is good
With splendid crops of every kind grown here, and good returns thereon, this fall season marks the influx of more money in circulation than ever known in the history of this county. Local business people are all doing capacity business, and totals on business done at the end of the year will aggregate millions. Healdsburg can boast of more business concerns, and a general improvement in the accommodations for the buying public. The establishment of the Daily Tribune has added to the prestige of the city, giving the general public a medium of exchanging their wares for money the public has to spend.
50 years ago- November 5, 1970
Healdsburg stamp goes on line of fiberglass boots
A second water-oriented manufacturing firm, Columbia Fiberglass Boats, has located in Healdsburg. Columbia will be manufacturing boats for the California market from their plant at Center and Mill Streets. Columbia builds only fiberglass boats, ranging in size from 7 to 14 feet long in 15 different models. Most of the boats are designed for fishing, hunting or for general all purpose chores. Last year they manufactured over 2,000 of these boats.  Al Lenhardt, one of Columbia’s owners who is in charge of the Healdsburg plant, explained that manufacturing fiberglass boats is simply a matter of combining resin and different types of glass strands to develop both beauty and strength. Lenhardt looks for a large California market. The industry has been seasonal in the Pacific Northwest and since Columbia has not developed their market in southern California, where it is likely to be year around the Healdsburg plant is still small.  Employment for persons skilled in the use of fiberglass should pick up next spring after the slow winter months are over.
25 years ago – November 1, 1995
American degree confirmed by FFA
Sara Pettis came home from college for a weekend to great news: The national office of the Future Farmers of America has awarded her its highest honor, The American FFA Degree. Pettis is only the third Healdsburg FFA member to receive the honor, and the first woman to be so recognized.  For the American Degree, you have to stay with the same field of interest for a long time,” Pettis explains.  “And you have to do a lot of leadership activities.”  She found her niche in FFA when she began raising beef cattle. Pettis is presently an agriculture education and animal science student at Fresno State University.  While attending college Pettis lives and works on a cattle ranch, an hour’s drive from the college.  She works 50 hours per week and drives in to class three days per week.  She is also training her puppy Sadie, a Border Collie cross, to be a cow dog.

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