Rockpile Bridge over Warm Springs arm of Lake Sonoma

100 years ago – January 6, 1921
Geyser talk up in smoke; engineer’s estimate of cost puts quietus on the proposition
Another fond dream of municipally-owned electric power in quantities to fill all the needs of Healdsburg for time without end has been rudely shattered, if one is to take the expressions of the city trustees when they listened to the estimate of cost of harnessing the Geysers to the wires of the city, to deliver through steam generated by heat from the ground, conveyed to a turbine and generator, and over electric wires to the municipality, electrical energy to run the lights and motors, and stoves and curling irons of the city. According to City Engineer Nelson it would take an investment of $46,580, to say nothing of the three-quarter cent per kilowatt hour for energy to be paid the Geysers for steam. At mention of the figures, the trustees apparently grew faint, and proceeded to expel the matter from further consideration.
50 years ago – January 7, 1971
$4 million bid awarded for Rockpile bridge
A $3.9 million contract for the Rockpile Road bridge behind Warm Springs Dam was awarded last Wednesday by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The contract was awarded to the joint venture firm of Willamette-Western and Adams & Smith in the amount of $3,975,425. The firm was the low bidder of five bids submitted. The contract calls for the 1,598 foot superstructure to be completed by Nov. 1, 1972. The bridge will span Warm Springs Creek and will replace the present Skaggs Springs Rpadd. This is the second major contract awarded by the Corps for the dam project. In June of last year the Corps awarded a $4.8 million contract to Piombo Corp. of San Carlos for the construction of the bridge footings and the relocation of 4.5 miles of Rockpile Rd. In 1968 the Corps spent nearly $1 million for the construction of the road which, although now closed to travel, runs up to the observation point.
25 years ago – January 17, 1996
Radio Healdsburg working out the bugs
Healdsburg’s newest radio station, KHBG, hit the airwaves last Monday, reaching much of the north county.  Listeners have been able to tune in to 96 FM to hear a variety of music selections while the station works out the final details before official programming begins February 1.  The station is playing a broad selection of contemporary adult music while it tests its station signal and works on related engineering to assure clear airways to the communities of the county.  The station expects to have a developed programming plan aside from playing only music.  Four on-air talents, all from Sonoma County, two of whom live in Healdsburg, have been hired.  All four are seasoned broadcast professionals.

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