Rosenberg & Bush department store – 300 block of West Street (Healdsburg Avenue)

The following snippets of history are drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, the Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society. Admission is always free at the museum, open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
100 years ago – January 13, 1921
Local stores selling clothing at prices as low as anywhere
Healdsburg merchants are showing the people here, through their appeals in advertising, that they are just as live as those in the cities, the latter taking the bull by the horns on account of the declining prices in the wholesale market, and are cutting their retail prices to levels unheard of during or since the war period. The leaders in getting back to the normal price trend in this city are undoubtedly the clothing and dry goods houses. Not long since, Rosenberg & Bush, the largest department store in this city, had a sale on their stock at prices which were eagerly snapped at by the buying public, resulting in the largest business ever done in a similar period in their 55 year history. Now comes The Toggery, known as the gentlemen’s furnishing store of Healdsburg, who in today’s issue announces a tremendous price reduction sale. Local buyers are shrewd enough to realize that the merchant who does business successfully in this community must have the goods to deliver. Other local stores undoubtedly have reduced their prices from the high level which has been maintained in the past.
50 years ago – January 14, 1971
Prune surplus could be blessing in disguise
Prunes, next to rice, are perhaps the best possible of relief foods that could be sent to aid the hungry tidal wave victims of Pakistan. Their high nutritional value, light weight, minimal care requirements, and minimal spoilage qualities make them an ideal food for the coming year of near starvation the Pakistanis face before they will once again be able to produce enough food to sustain themselves. Healdsburg, as we know, has a large surplus of prunes this year. Couldn’t we help the people of East Pakistan and our own community at the same time? All service organizations and charitable groups who at this time of the year take collections to be distributed to the needy are encouraged to consider channeling these funds through their favorite relief agency for the purpose of purchasing and shipping prunes to the disaster stricken area on the Bay of Bengal.
25 years ago – January 17, 1996
Community theater forms in Healdsburg
The Healdsburg Boys and Girls Club will produce the exciting musical, “Oklahoma!” at the Raven Performing Arts Theater in early May. The production will be performed at the newly-renovated center and will be presented with a full cast, live orchestra, sets, and costumes. Local merchants have donated printing, sets and costumes, and local residents will be on stage and backstage. Auditions for performers and musicians will be held on Saturday, March 9. Bring a song to sing or music to play, and dancers should come prepared to move. Everyone, regardless of age or experience, is encouraged to audition and participate.

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