The Aven theater, now the Raven.

100 years ago – April 7, 1921
Camping site for tourists obtained
The Chamber of Commerce has leased a portion of the Oscar Walker tract at the east end of Mason Street, on the banks of the Russian River, and will at once begin work preparing the site for a public camping ground for automobile tourists. Electric lighting and water systems will be installed, together with other conveniences. It is anticipated that work will be completed and the tract thrown open to transient campers sometime this month. The property was leased from Carrol Walker. No permanent camping will be allowed on the grounds. Signs will be placed about town pointing out the location of the tract to tourists.
50 years ago – April 1, 1971
World of Youth Science exhibits show big concern with environment
Whether the older generation is aware of it or not, youngsters are becoming increasingly concerned with man and his environment. This was clearly evident from the 19 exhibits in the seventh grade St. John’s science competition last week. The events were supposed to be judged first, second and third place, but Santa Rosa Junior College chemistry instructor Robert Medley found it impossible to choose from among the top entries, so first place was awarded in three categories. Awards went to Tom Neal in Biological Science for his “Bacteriology Cultures” exhibit; to Teri Petropulos and Judy Ridley in Ecological Science for their “Air Pollution Density Tester”; and to Carlo Biagini and Bill Ellis in physical science and engineering for their demonstration, “How the Laser Works.” Among the other exhibits were demonstrations of communications systems, a new house designed to take advantage of its environment and demonstrations of the effects of watering and sunlight on plants.
25 years ago – April 3, 1996
Favorites in our area
Several Healdsburg area business have made the “county favorites” list in the Sonoma County Independent. In a poll, readers picked The Raven Theater as the best movie theater in the county.  Kendall Jackson Winery was selected the best website. The Russian River was judged the finest fishing location, with Lake Sonoma rating an honorable mention. Dry Creek Vineyard received an honorable mention in the best wine tour category. An honorable mention in the best bakery division was Healdsburg’s Downtown Bakery and Creamery.

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