Program HHS Athletic Hall of Fame 1998

100 years ago – March 24, 1921
Moving pictures at the Christian Church
Sunday evening the Christian Church had a capacity house to witness the first introduction of the moving picture plant into the regular Sunday services in the city of Healdsburg. The effect of this new departure will no doubt be watched. The first service was certainly a success. The house was filled, something not often seen in a Sunday evening church service. The pictures were all that could be desired. The story was one of Dickens’ best, it not only teaches a lesson, but points a moral. Mr. Parnum was the chief actor. He is great. He represented two characters, the man that is “down and out,” and the man that “came back.” The pictures were free from vaudeville characteristics, undress and in mannerisms. There were more husbands at church with wives than has been seen in a long time. The children and young people also were there. The find impression certainly was good.
75 years ago – March 29, 1946
Smallpox vaccination to be given free Monday morning
An opportunity for residents of Healdsburg to be vaccinated against the virulent smallpox which has broken out in the bay area will be provided by the Sonoma County Department of Health and the American Red Cross here Monday morning, it was announced today by Dr. Edith F. Young, county health officer and S. H. Cooley, chairman of the Healdsburg chapter. Arrangements have been completed whereby Dr. Young and a staff of the health department and Red Cross workers will be at the county clinic building adjoining the Legion Hall Monday morning from 9 to 11 o’clock to offer free vaccinations. Persons not wishing to wait until Monday are urged to visit their family physician. Several hundred persons have been vaccinated during the past week by the health department while many more visited their physicians for the vaccination. The outbreak is the first smallpox to be reported in the bay area since 1939. No cases have been reported so far in Sonoma county.
25 years ago – March 27, 1996
First woman inductee into Healdsburg High School Hall of Athletic Fame
Great Greyhounds of the past were paid tribute to last Saturday night at the Healdsburg high School Athletic Hall of Fame dinner. The evening saw the induction of Sheryl Barlow-Brown, who becomes the first woman to be enshrined in the HHS Hall of Fame, which admits four athletes every other year. Barlow-Brown was overcome with emotion when she went to the podium to accept her award from Norm Buchignani, whose family she lived with while attending HHS. The 1983 HHS graduate was named First Team All League in volleyball, basketball, softball and track.

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