Fruit packing in Healdsburg – 1900s

100 years ago – November 25, 1920
Government detective investigating fire here
It is stated that a government detective has been in Healdsburg for some days making investigations as to the cause of the recent burning of the Zerillo cannery. It is believed that the fire was of incendiary origin and the government, following its war-time policy, is trying to keep a close watch on the incendiary efforts of the “Bolshevist” element of the country.
50 years ago – November 26, 1970
‘Sets,’ ‘base 8,’ problem of terminology; New math has progress … and problems
Progress seems to be well underway in elementary ‘‘new math,” although there remain some major headaches for teachers and pupils because of new terminology, a report from sixth grade teacher Jack deLong indicates. DeLong, who headed the summer curriculum study committee on the program, presented a report to the Healdsburg Elementary School trustees on the matter and then answered their questions. The math program uses a new terminology for students from kindergarten through sixth grade. It also shows them more ways to work with numbers than have traditionally been taught. Instead of learning to add and subtract, multiply and divide with the traditional base 10 system, students learn to work with other systems, such as base 2 or base 8 which teachers hope will help them grasp high school’s more difficult math classes quickly. DeLong reports the program is “functioning as well as I anticipated it would at this time.”  When asked, deLong said teachers were all cooperating in the program and commended them for the work they’ve done so far.
25 years ago – November 22, 1995
Mini-marts and bike paths approved by council
After more than a year of planning, the Healdsburg City Council approved a bicycle path network plan through the city which will ultimately connect with county paths and offer and alternative mode of safe transportation.  Under the new bicycle route master plan, the city plans to connect the new north end housing area to the downtown area and the southern end of Healdsburg using three classes of paths based on standards set up by the plan. The council also approved a zoning ordinance amendment, which will conditionally allow mini-marts and fast food restaurants to exist in conjunction with service stations. The city has received several requests from service station owners to create more full-service mini-marts instead of just selling some snack items.  Council members agreed the change would be a positive one, bringing in additional revenue and more efficiently utilizing commercial space. 

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