42.5 F
March 10, 2025

Healdsburg Lumber Moves Into Future

Healdsburg history was remade this week as the long-standing location of Healdsburg Lumber Company closed and a new 43,000-square-foot complex of home improvement services opened less than a mile to the south, toward Highway 101. “Healdsburg Lumber has been at that facility since 1875 or...

Local Run for World Renown

“It was really beautiful!” enthused Drew Holmen, a 30-year-old runner from Boulder, CO, and winner of this year’s 2023 Lake Sonoma 50.  A few seconds later, he amended the remark: “It was so brutal!”  Holmen finished the route, billed at 50.8 miles but according to many...

Citizens Drive Healdsburg’s Climate Agenda

The window of opportunity is closing for a coordinated response to combat climate change, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said recently. “Humanity is on thin ice—and that ice is melting fast,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “Our world needs climate action...

Homegrown Herstory

It was the late 1970s. Molly Murphy MacGregor, a graduate student at Sonoma State University (SSU), taught a lively class on Women and Social Change at Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) Petaluma campus.  Momentum to study, uplift and celebrate women grew throughout the decade nationally...

Shootings: A Deep Dive Drama into an Uneasy Discussion

The latest production of the Raven Players is not from the established canon of small-town theater sources. It has not one playwright but several—nine to be exact—and it’s presented not on one night but over two, with each one-act play a little over an...

Predawn Parade for St. Patrick’s Day

If there’s one thing Healdsburg residents agree on, it’s that there are only two parades worth attending year-in and year-out. One is the late-May Twilight Parade that kicks off the Future Farmers fair. The other is the pre-dawn parade around the Plaza, every St. Patrick’s...

Piano Prodigy in Healdsburg Concert

Alexander Malofeev was just 13 when he came to prominence by winning his first major international competition, the celebrated International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, in 2015. Now 21 and living in Berlin, the young Moscow-born pianist continues to capture the musical world’s attention,...

Paid Parking Comes to Healdsburg—but Is It Legal?

Visitors to Healdsburg are now finding more public parking spots right downtown, in a large central lot formerly reserved for business use. The lot is getting heavy use on weekends, and the competition for those 30-plus slots can be stiff. There’s one catch—it’s not...

Test-Driving the World of Work

There’s yellow caution tape over the door and a dead body in the middle of the room. Her name is Sarah, according to the three younger-than-expected investigators, and she has been shot twice.  The investigators evaluate the location of the bullet shells and the gunshot...

Citrus Fair Has the Juice

Healdsburg has its Future Farmers Fair in May, Petaluma has the Sonoma-Marin Fair in June and Santa Rosa has the Sonoma County Fair in August. But for fans of Americana, the first one on the calendar, and perhaps the best, is the Cloverdale Citrus...