This is another in a short series of conversations with people in their 20s who have grown up here and left, and then returned, or who may have never actually wandered off. 
Before we visit with Lexie, I wanted to thank all the Faces of West County that we’ve met in this past year. It hasn’t been an easy year. Between the COVID thing that continues to weigh on us, and the political acrimony that only seems to worsen, and the weird weather that has hints of broader climate change ramifications … need I go on? Anyhow, getting to know some of the remarkable people who we are fortunate to live amongst, is always a pleasure, and I wanted to express a little gratitude to them for allowing me to sit with them, and revealing a bit of who they are. 
Thanks again to: Liz Corbett, Michel Stusser, Scott Hoffman, Maria Cook, Art Moura, Becca Graff, Katheryn Fong, Tracey Peters, Jon Gonzales, Charles Uerling, Marilyn Reed, Neil Miller, Michael Gillotti, Deja Lani Jones, and Adam Fain. 
And now to start the year, on to Lexie Trinei. 
I totally get why Lexie feels so connected to the area. We sat at one of those little tables around the corner from Retrograde Coffee, (she didn’t like the turmeric latte I suggested, but I love them) for a chat. Especially in these days of a rapidly spreading virus, it felt better outside, even with the chill in the air. Anyhow, as soon as we sat down, a friend of Lexie’s passed by. And then another. And another. I swear, it was freakish how everyone knew her, and how smiley they became as soon as they drew near for a short check-in. It’s easy to see why people are drawn to Lexie. She is a breath of fresh air. 
What kind of name is Trinei? 
It’s Italian. My grandmother, my Nonnie, is half Italian. My grandfather thought he was Italian too, but at age 22, he found out he was adopted! His birth mom turned out to be Irish, which might account for my red hair and fair skin. 
Wow. … Where and when were you born? 
In Santa Rosa, 2/16/99. I’m almost 23. Sebastopol schools the whole way. Analy grad of ’17. 
Tell us about family and where you live now?
I have one older brother. He’s a manager at a plumbing supply company and engaged. My mom is the head of marketing at Manzana, the last local apple processing plant that’s out near Graton. I also have two step-sisters now. 
I live in an unbelievably sweet spot with a friend near the Wildflower Bakery in Freestone. It’s two bedrooms, and only $850 a month! 
We found it on Craigslist. It was an amazing find. We feel so lucky and grateful to be able to afford something in this area. It’s also the only way I’m able to save anything. 
Let’s talk COVID for a bit. Any COVID deaths in your life? 
My co-worker lost her father. Her mother is a nurse, and she may have brought it home from work. Otherwise, it’s only friends who have had mild symptoms. 
Are you vaxxed? 
Double, no boost yet, but I’ll get it as soon as I qualify. 
Do you understand friends who have refused the vaccine? 
I have friends who I love and respect who have decided not to get it. They’re super careful. I’m actually getting a PCR test today, because a few of my friends are now infected, and I’m going to work tomorrow. 
(Just then, with perfect timing, two more of the many people who say hello to Lexie, stop at our table to greet her. I took the opportunity to ask if they were vaxxed.) 
So are you guys vaxxed? 
No. (They both answer.) It’s still too sketchy for me. … It’s a chance I’m willing to take, and to be honest, I’m a bit scared of the shot. … All my friends who have gotten COVID, had the shot. … I test all the time. We’re super careful. … More people our age are dying from Fentanyl overdoses, or suicide. How come we’re not investing in those problems like we are in COVID? 
(I started to argue the question with them, but then left the debate as respectfully as I could, wishing them nothing but good health.) 
Lexie, I see why you are so at home here. You are connected to a huge community. 
Yeah. And it’s a great community. I went to Santa Cruz for two years, and I didn’t forge connections there, like I do here. … I went to Cabrillo Junior College and had four different majors. I started with nutrition, then went to geology, then marine biology, and finally, marketing. 
Now I’m at the Santa Rosa JC and they didn’t have a marketing program, so I’m now into interior design. I think I’ll stick with that, for now. (We both laugh.) There’s a certificate program in interior design through UCLA. I’ve got my eye on that. 
But before UCLA, I’m hoping to spend the next year, or as soon as COVID allows, traveling through Europe with my friend Laila. We both have family there we want to connect with, and learn French and Italian. 
And meanwhile, you’re slinging lattes at one of my favorite spots, Cafe Aquatica out in Jenner. 
Yes. I’m saving up for the big trip. I love it there, and the people I work with. 
Lexie, what podcasts to you just love? 
Well, one is The Confident Collective. It’s two women with larger than average bodies, who talk about the challenges they face. I like the way society and marketing, seems more inclusive of all sorts of body types these days, than when I was growing up. (We both laugh over that “growing up” thing.) 
I also listen to a sex podcast called, Sex With Emily. It’s very inclusive, and gender fluid. I have a bunch of non-binary friends. 
Let me change the subject again. I just saw the film, and want to give a shout out to, “Don’t Look Up.” (Lexie – I’ve got another half hour of that to go. Me – Yeah, I know. It’s a tad long.) I thought it was a really significant film, warts and all. … So how much does climate change (the main allegory in the film) figure into how you think or behave? For instance, is it playing a role in your desire to have kids or not? 
I’m not planning on kids. Who knows? Maybe in 10 years? But with the state of things now, with the pandemic, with the poor state of the environment, with the constant risk of fire, it just doesn’t make sense for me. 
I was a vegan for five years. I want to live off the grid, someplace safe. Away from fire danger. I’m looking for a plan B and C, that’s not reliant on society … Oh, I don’t know. I’m just spitting stuff out. 
Well, … (trying not to be condescending) that’s pretty age appropriate. You’re still figuring shit out. 
So, what’s your favorite hike around here? 
Out at Jenner Headlands, the Pole Mountain hike. I didn’t quite make it to the top yet. I was like 10 minutes from the peak, but it was still spectacular. 
Last question, Lexie. If you had twenty extra bucks, who would you donate it to? 
There’s a lady who stands outside of Whole Foods in Sebastopol with her two small children. I’d ask her what she needs, and just get it. 
Lexie, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you, and meeting 12 or 13 of your friends in the process! I hope you can stay healthy and positive, during these trying times, and I’m really looking forward to finding out what you finally end up majoring in. My money is not on interior design. Whatever it is, you’re yet another hugely positive character who makes living here a richer experience. 
Happy New Year. 

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