The Cloverdale Unified School District Board of Trustees is holding a special meeting this Thursday, Nov. 5, a departure from its usual Wednesday meetings. Housekeeping items relating to distance learning are scheduled to take up the bulk of the agenda, though district trustees are also expected to consider and take possible action to appoint someone to the Measure H Citizen’s Oversight Committee. An agenda item on every meeting since the summer, the board will also be reviewing the district’s school reopening plan. Open session of the CUSD meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. To view the agenda packet for the meeting, click here. 
Memorandums of Understanding
The CUSD trustees will be considering two Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) for district employees while the district is on distance learning.
The first is for the Teachers Association of Cloverdale (TAC) and addresses working conditions during distance learning only. According to the item description, the MOU includes “significant modifications to the operation of schools during distance learning to minimize health and safety risks and, unless noted within the MOU, supersedes related provisions of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement.”
The second MOU is with the California School Employees Association of Cloverdale (CSEA). The MOU covers the reopening of schools, return to work and the response to the coronavirus. 
Measure H Citizen’s Oversight Committee
The Measure H Citizen’s Oversight Committee currently has four members, but is set up to consist of seven. The independent oversight committee is a requirement of Bond Measure H, which was passed by voters in 2018 to help get bond money for the district to perform various repairs and construction to district sites.
The committee meets, reviews and reports on expenditures of funds from the measure to ensure that the funds are only being used for purposes approved by Measure H.
According to the board agenda, Christina Lepe-Duarte is being recommended by the superintendent to be appointed to the committee. 
District Reopening
Per the Oct. 14 board meeting, the CUSD Board of Trustees agreed to extend the return to in-person instruction date for the district to Jan. 5, 2021. Following the decision, the district’s reopening committee has continued to work to develop a reopening plan that reflects the continuation of distance learning, as well as the possible integration of hybrid instruction in the future.
At Thursday’s meeting, Superintendent Betha MacClain will present the new reopening plan, dubbed “Reopening Plan Draft 2.0” to the board of trustees for possible approval. The plan includes information about what school will look like once the district is able to move to hybrid instruction, and it outlines sample schedules, instructional plans, information on social-emotional health and wellness, cleaning and disinfecting measures and personal protection mandates.

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