The meeting of the Windsor Town Council on Nov. 4 will have two parts: the first starting at 6 p.m. will be a quick vote on a series of consent items, and the second, starting at the close of the first, is a study session with the Planning Commission on Multi-Family Residential Objective Design Standards.
The regular meeting agenda holds only a series of consent calendar items, including three “Approval of Side Letter Agreements” with Teamsters Local No.856, the Teamsters Professional and Supervisory Unit and the Town of Windsor Management Employees Group. The side letters will extend Memorandums of Understanding with the various groups listed. The fourth consent item is an Extension of Benefits to Unrepresented Executive Management and Confidential Employees.
The joint meeting with the planning commission will take place immediately following the adjournment of the town council meeting. The residents of Windsor have had various opportunities over the last few months to let their opinions be heard on what objective design standards for multi-family residences should be within the town. Now, it’s time for the council and planning commission to weigh in a provide guidance to town staff.
The agenda for part one can be found here and the agenda for part two can be found here. Councilmembers will be participating in the meeting via Zoom.
If you would like to provide public comment, we encourage you to submit them via email to the council by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting: [email protected]
Members of the public can participate in the meeting by visiting: or by dialing 877-853-5247 and
Enter Webinar ID: 918 9267 6241
The meeting will be live streamed at: 
The meeting can also be viewed on Comcast Channel 27
and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. 

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