Sonoma County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a Healdsburg man early Monday morning for unlawfully lighting fires while possessing methamphetamine.
The incident began at about 5:45 a.m. on Monday, July 3 when Sheriff’s dispatch received a call of a naked man setting fires in the middle of the road near the 4700 block of Mill Creek Road in Healdsburg.
Deputies responded and located a plastic garbage can that had been burned and left in the middle of the road. Smoldering in the garbage can were sticks and clothing.
Further down the road, deputies found a fire actively burning, also in the middle of the road. Healdsburg Fire was already on scene putting the fire out.
A little further along the road deputies contacted 36-year-old Jesse Wagy, a local resident who was wearing only shorts and sandals despite the 51-degree weather.
Wagy told deputies he and a friend were out practicing using fire extinguishers and that an unknown person told them it was okay.
Wagy’s friend wasn’t located nor were any fire extinguishers, or any evidence that an extinguisher had recently been used.
Wagy showed signs of being under the influence of drugs.
It was determined he had recently used methamphetamine and he was found in possession of just under six grams of the drug. He also had a propane torch and a book of matches.
Wagy was placed under arrest for causing an illegal fire and possession of methamphetamine.
Given the amount of dried brush, leaves and trees on the side of the road, the damage potential could’ve been enormous had the fire spread, according to deputies.
Wagy was booked into the Sonoma County Jail and remains in custody on $10,000 bail.
–Submitted by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department

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