The Windsor Town Green has been egged, according to a statement from the Windsor Parks & Recreation department.
“We suspect the bunny thought Windsor needed a challenge. Help us crack the case by participating in the Town Green Eggs-Perience Scavenger Hunt,” said the Parks & Rec announcement.
Eggs of all shapes and sizes haven been hidden around the Green, and families can now go on a scavenger hunt to find the.
How to participate:
1. Download your scavenger hunt card online or pick one up in the flyer box outside of the Parks & Recreation Office (Bldg. 300D, across from the Huerta Gym).
2. Go to the Town Green and start hunting. Remember, keep your distance from others outside of your household and please wear your mask.
3. Submit your answers online by going to or scanning the QR Code on the flyer. The deadline to submit your answers is Thursday, April 1 at midnight.
Each participant who submits their answers online will be entered into a drawing for a prize. Winners will be contacted directly and announced on Facebook following pickup of prizes. All are welcome to participate. Eggs will remain on the Town Green through April 4.

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