At its meeting this week, the Cloverdale City Council will be reviewing the city’s 2019-20 financial statements, discussing a pre-annexation agreement for the Six Acres Area, considering a request to establish no parking zones on Franklin Avenue and discussing the county’s five-year strategic plan at its next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
The meeting will be broadcast on YouTube and over Zoom at 6 p.m. To view the agenda, which includes public comment instructions and Zoom information, click here
As part of the meeting consent calendar, the council will consider the following items:
●    Approval of Jan. 27 meeting minutes
●    Resolution to award bit to Beklorp Ag, LLC for multi-purpose mower replacement and authorizing the city manager to execute a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $38,000
●    Resolution accepting public improvements performed by Piazza Construction for the Cloverdale Vista View Slide Repair Project
●    Resolution appointing the engineer of work for the Cloverdale Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District for fiscal year 2021-22
●    Resolution designating the city manager and the director of public works as applicant’s agent for non-state agencies for the California Office of Emergency Services Public Assistance Program and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
●    Second reading, by title, an ordinance amending the zoning map for 1.41 acres of land at 669-679 S. Cloverdale Boulevard to the multi-family residential zoning district
●    Resolution amending the fiscal year 2020-21 budget to authorize funds for First Carbon to conduct peer review of the CEQA environmental report for the Dry Creek Rancheria Development Project
The council has no public hearings slated for this week’s meeting, and has one proclamation on the agenda, which declares the month of February 2021 as Black History Month.
First up on the regular agenda for the council is viewing a presentation of, and accepting, the city’s fiscal year 2019-20 audited financial statements. Having an independent auditor review its finances is a requirement for local governments.
Six Acres pre-annexation
Next, the council will review and discuss the pre-annexation agreement for the Six Acres Water Company, a water company that consists of 22 homes adjacent to South Cloverdale Boulevard south of Lile Lane, which sits in the unincorporated area just outside of the city.
According to the background for this agenda item, Six Acres is regulated as a public water system under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water has found that Six Acres hasn’t been in compliance with applicable drinking water regulations. As such, the state board has taken enforcement actions against Six Acres for missed source chemical monitoring and bacteriological monitoring, and due to non-compliance with state regulations, is mandating that it seek a new source of water.
According to the agenda item, the city has coordinated with representatives from Six Acres to develop a consolidation study for the water company that outlines three alternatives for water service — upgrading the existing water system to meet state requirements, supplying all water by the city which would require annexation of the service area into the city, and abandoning and decommissioning the existing water supply well and transmission and provisioning a master-metered connection to the city water system.
Because of the cost associated with the first and third suggestions, Six Acres has started negotiating annexation to the city. On Nov. 11, the State Water Resources Control Board issued a mandatory consolidation letter giving the city and Six Acres six months to complete a pre-annexation agreement.
To address this, the council can either direct city staff to pursue the annexation of Six Acres into the city and the connection to the city’s water systems and utilities through a formal annexation process following LAFCO; allow the State Water Resources Control Board to process a mandatory consolidation following the process set forth by the board; or consider a possible service agreement for the extension of water services through a master-meter.
City staff is recommending that the council consider full annexation of Six Acres beginning with the pre-annexation agreement.
No parking zones
The council will be considering a request to establish no parking zones on Franklin Avenue adjacent to a private driveway at the Gardens at Thyme Square Apartments. A resident on Stonegate Circle has requested the city make the space a no parking zone due to low visibility of cross traffic.
According to the council agenda summary, “Street parking on South Franklin Street is permitted around the western driveway entrance of Gardens at Thyme Square. South Franklin Street is curved at this location and the driveway discharges near the apex of the curve forcing exiting drivers to turn their heads >90 degrees to the left and right to view cross-traffic. Large vehicles (pickup, van or SUV) legally parked on South Franklin Street can further obstruct the view of exiting drivers forcing them to partially enter the travel lane before cross-traffic becomes visible. The addition of “no parking” zones on either side of the western driveway would extend exiting driver visibility.”
County strategic plan
At the last Cloverdale City Council meeting, the county presented its five-year strategic plan to the council. At Wednesday’s meeting, the council will discuss providing input on the strategic plan as well as discuss opportunities for collaboration between Cloverdale and the county.

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