Dustin Valette of Healdsburg
Photo by Michael Woolsey CHEERS Dustin Valette is the brain and talent behind several Wine Country ventures, including two restaurants in Healdsburg.

By Amber Turpin

Dustin Valette is a true Wine Country chef. His roots run deep in Sonoma County, and growing up here imparted a genuine appreciation for great food and wine upon him. He took time to explore the globe, but then returned to where it all began and to where his family ties were tethered.

In 2021 he opened the much anticipated The Matheson after restoring a 110-year-old building that was once his great-grandfather’s bakery in downtown Healdsburg. And this March marks the 10-year anniversary of Valette, his namesake eatery. To celebrate, Valette is offering a special menu featuring “best of” dishes paired with exceptional Sonoma County wines, from March 10-16.

Amber Turpin: What’s your job?

Dustin Valette: I am the chef-owner of Valette and The Matheson restaurants in Healdsburg, and the owner of Valette Wines. My job is everything from potato peeler, fish butcher, line cook, chef, glass polisher and host—essentially really everything. My favorite role, though, is to make people happy.

AT: How did you get into that work?

DV: I started as a 13-year-old dishwasher at a local restaurant, Catelli’s, and then worked my way up. My travels took me from Healdsburg to New York City at age 17, to Napa Valley, where I worked with Thomas Keller—then Hawaii, Los Angeles, Vegas, Italy, France and then I came back home to Healdsburg where it all began, 16 years ago. Ten years ago, my brother and I started our first restaurant, Valette, and we have fulfilled our dream of showcasing why Healdsburg is such an amazing culinary and vinicultural destination. 

AT: Did you ever have an “aha” moment with a certain beverage? If so, tell us about it.

DV: Yes. It was the first time I had disappointing wine in New York. Since I grew up here in Healdsburg, I was very fortunate to be drinking Silver Oak, Williams Selyem and such iconic wines at a young age. My family always believed in a bit of wine with dinner. Man, was I shocked as a 17-year-old sipping my first Boone’s wine at some house party.

AT: What is your favorite thing to drink at home? 

DV: Wine. I love the flavor, the enhancement it gives food and just the instantaneous mood change of popping the cork on a great pinot noir after a long day at the restaurants.

AT: Where do you like to go out for a drink?

DV: I love to go to Roof 106, at The Matheson, for a margarita or our local “watering hole,” Lo and Behold, in Healdsburg.

AT: If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you want to be drinking (besides fresh water)? 

DV: Champagne. You can never have enough bubbles.

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