SMART construction update for Windsor
Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit(SMART) contractor Stacy and Witbeck has been working hard to complete all of the bridgework by mid-October. Bridge construction activities between Shiloh Road and Windsor River Road, including pile driving, have gone well. SMART anticipates that pile driving and welding will be completed the week of Oct. 5.
Hours of work for the remaining construction will generally be 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Safety is the top priority as all work to construct this rail extension project. SMART asks that you please do your part by staying clear of all construction equipment and activities.
You can subscribe online to receive email updates about this project, or follow SMART on NextDoor. To contact SMART:
Phone: 707-794-3077
Email: in**@so**************.org

Multi-Family Residential Objective Design Standards project still looking for input
The Town of Windsor is encouraging residents to check out the three-part Community Workshop series regarding the Multi-Family Residential Objective Design Standards project. They are still looking for input from Windsor residents.
Information on the project can be found here.
The Community Workshop series is virtual and provides two online videos and a visual preference survey. The videos and survey are posted on the project website under “Community Outreach.” The links will remain active through mid-October. If you would like to be added to the e-mail distribution list for this project please e-mail Jessica Jones, community development director, at jj****@to***********.com“>jj****@to***********.com.
Vision Zero survey for traffic safety
Vision Zero is a countywide initiative, led by a partnership between the Sonoma County Department of Health Services and the Sonoma County Transportation Authority, which pledges to reduce all traffic related deaths to zero.
Your input is needed. As such, they are looking for residents to take this short survey about their traffic safety experiences and concerns. Anyone who lives in Sonoma County can take the survey. Responses will be used to create a Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate traffic fatalities.
Walbridge and Meyers Fire survivors have until Oct. 21 to apply for FEMA aid
FEMA grants help eligible survivors pay for rent, home or vehicle repair/replacement, funeral expenses, medical or dental expenses and miscellaneous other costs.
Register online at or call 800-621-3362. Multilingual services are available on the helpline and specialists can answer most questions about FEMA assistance and registration.
Wine grape growers eligible for addition assistance
The County of Sonoma is “pleased to share a recent announcement that positively impacts our Sonoma County wine country.”
Due to efforts led by Congressman Mike Thompson and the California Farm Bureau, wine grapes are now included in the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) 2.0. This means that wine grape producers are now eligible to apply for assistance through Dec. 11, 2020. Information, including restrictions and how to apply, can be found at the US Department of Agriculture’s Assistance to Farmers and Ranchers Impacted by COVID-19 page:

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