Election Day is almost here
Tuesday, May 4 is the Special Election in Windsor, and voters are filling a vacant town council seat. The special election is being held for to fill a vacant town council seat that belonged to Dominic Foppoli, who was elected at-large mayor in the 2020 election, as part of the town’s transition to district elections. Since his seat is an at-large seat and not a district seat until 2022, any qualified local is eligible to run. However, in 2022, the seat will only be open to a qualified member of districts 1, 2 or 4, the three districts that will be up for vote then.
Oscar Chavez, Julia Donoho, Jeffrey Leasure, Rosa Reynoza and Cody Wilson are the five names in contention for the seat.
The election is being held entirely by mail. Drop off your ballots at the secure drop box in Windsor at 25 Bluebird Drive, the Voter Registration website to see other delivery choices: https://bit.ly/3326vte. Polls close 8 p.m.
The Times will provide vote count updates throughout the evening.
Keep your garden from going down the drain
The town of Windsor reminds you that as you work in the garden this month, please make sure stockpiles of compost, mulch, soil and rock are not placed in the street gutter or near storm drains. If there is any chance of it getting wet, piles should also be covered with a tarp or protected with wattles to prevent runoff into storm drains and creeks. While these products are natural, they can still kill aquatic life by depleting oxygen and clogging critical habitat for breeding and feeding with fine sediment. Learn best practices for yard care at StreetsToCreeks.org
Traffic Enforcement planned this week in Windsor
Directed Traffic Enforcement will be conducted in the area of Starr Road within the town of Windsor between May 4 and May11. Windsor Police Traffic Enforcement will be specifically looking for the following: seat belt violations, distracted driving violations, equipment violations and speed violations. 
WPD deputies will also be out in full force on Cinco de Mayo in an effort to keep our roadways safe. Please do not think about driving intoxicated. If you must travel please utilize ride sharing, find a sober driver or use public transportation. Feliz Cinco de Mayo and be safe.
County offering chipping program
Vegetation management and creating defensible space on your property are essential to improve your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire. Take the time to create a buffer between buildings on your property and the grass, trees, shrubs or any wildland area that surround it. Learn how to build defensible space around your home at: https://www.readyforwildfire.org/…/defensible-space/
Get up to 2 free hours of vegetation chipping through the County of Sonoma Chipper Program. Signup here: https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/…/Chipper-Program-Guidelines/
Drought seminar
Unfortunately we are experiencing another drought. If you grow and/or manage crops, orchards, dairies, livestock or rangeland, a local webinar will provide actions including practices to help your operation persevere, and processes for obtaining funding and participating in relief programs.
The webinar takes place May 4, 9 a.m. to noon. The webinar is free and each hour a different topic. Learn more and register: ucanr.edu/2021droughtNB
Get on the list and get vaccinated
Eligible residents are invited to sign up on a county stand-by list to be notified when vaccines appointments are imminently available in Sonoma County.
Some clinics have open appointments in the next two days. The county will review all sign-ups and will give priority to those residents who are at higher risk of contracting COVID based on key indicators and those who are more likely to experience the most severe outcomes of the virus.
All appointments are dependent on vaccine availability at clinics in Sonoma County. The stand-by form can be found here: https://form.jotform.com/211016242241134, or please call (844) 987-6115 for an appointment.
Eligible residents are also encouraged to look for vaccine appointments on socoemergency.org/vaccine and to sign up on MyTurn.ca.gov.

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