“The Time Has Come Today”. A song from the 60’s with the words meaning even more today. Time is no longer on our side, so I ask for three actions: 1) Commit, 2) Protect 3) Preserve.
Commit to fighting Climate Change by considering and supporting an initiative adopting your town council’s decision to commit to clean energy in the future. A petition signed by 10% to 15% or more of the number of town’s voters in our last election could allow the all-electric code to be adopted by the will of the people and not subject to the current lawsuits. Adoption of an all-electric code is a climate protection, greenhouse gas reduction action and a small step towards a healthier planet.
Protect our community as best we can from future fire storms coming from our eastern hills and from proposed development which increases climate impacts by considering and supporting voter initiatives removing the 60 acres of vineyards north of Jensen Lane from our Urban Growth Boundary. Lands within the town’s UGB are to be considered for new development while lands outside are not.
Preserve our small town character by rejecting the demolition of the Huerta Gym, library and town offices for the construction of a second hotel, shops and housing in the heart of Windsor. Windsor has something special in our downtown. The concept of sustainability has as one of its goals, the full use of infrastructure. These buildings continue to have useful lives and can accommodate Windsor’s needs currently as well as into the future.
Each of these actions require careful thought. To each one there are valid counter arguments. Our future should be one that fights the best it can for our environment, our Earth, and for a town that looks to provide for future generations. Yes, most of us enjoy and choose to cook with gas, the all-electric code won’t take that from you now, but in the future, yes, we will have to change.
Yes, we need more housing but sprawl development at the edges of our town results in more and more car trips and congestion, more and more greenhouse gases and on our eastern edge, serious fire risk not only to the new development but to it’s neighbors as well. Smart growth is about town centered growth.
Yes, surrounding the Town Green has been talked about forever, but really, how much better can it get? Look carefully at future presentations of what a redeveloped Civic Center will provide the town and carefully weigh what that future holds. Will we lose what many in Healdsburg feel they have lost, a town character that is unique to Windsor?
Please, commit, protect and preserve.
SamSalmon is a member of the Windsor Town Council. 

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