George Sager

Since its very beginnings, this community has had a very proud tradition of military service. Healdsburg area citizens have stepped forward to serve their country’s military, beginning with the Mexican War when less than two months after the declaration of war on May 13, 1846 local militias supported United States Marines and sailors for the occupation of Sonoma on July 9, 1846 after California had been declared part of the United States. Area residents have served in every major and most of the lesser wars and military deployments since.

Ninety-nine years ago today at 1100 hours in France, an armistice was signed, formally ending the hostilities in Europe known as the Great War and to some, “The war to end all wars.” To others it was the “war over there” and “Mr. Wilson’s War” because not all Americans believed we should be fighting over there. As many of you know, November 11 was then recognized as “Armistice Day” and in 1954 President Eisenhower officially changed November 11 to Veterans Day.
Since that signing of November 11, 1918, there have been many wars; not all were called wars, some were conflicts, police actions, incidents and even humanitarian relief. To the military personnel that have been called upon to respond to all of these situations, it has been war.
Today we gather to honor, not only those that put themselves in harm’s way, but all those who have stepped forward to place themselves upon the battlements of our nation’s defense during those times of relative peace as well as those times of war.
It is fitting that we gather before this hallowed monument inscribed with the names of those who gave all that we might continue this great experiment known as the United States of America.
So as we depart here today, let us dedicate ourselves to remember the sacrifices of service, no matter where and no matter when. The sacrifices of the men and women wearing the uniforms of our military services. Those sacrifices are what have given us and perpetuate the freedoms and liberties we enjoy.
George Sager is the commander of American Legion Post 111. He offered these remarks at the Veterans Day commemoration in Healdsburg.

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