The status quo has got to go. It’s not healthy for the community, doesn’t adequately support our officers and costs the county money. John Mutz is running for Sonoma County Sheriff in order to cultivate a fundamental, long-term, cultural shift — based on community engagement and relationships — to keep our community safer, reduce costs and improve department morale.

To challenge the status quo we must overcome our own inherent fear of change, and believe change is possible. But there comes a time when we have the opportunity and responsibility to rise above fear and disbelief, and dig for the courage to do what’s right. In Sonoma County, that time is now.
Every new revelation from the Sheriff’s Department is indicative of the root culture. With each new incident, we’ve seen an ongoing pattern of disrespect for the community, and our county is on the hook for more money.
With 40 years in law enforcement (10 years as a captain, six of those as a station commander), I have experience making this shift. For several years, I’ve been engaged with community members who share the passion. We know that with experienced, dedicated leadership in the sheriff’s office, change is possible.
By 1991, I’d come up in the LA police force quietly dissatisfied with the status quo, but feeling like I didn’t have the individual power to make change. Following the brutal Rodney King beating, I knew I had to stand up.
Through the personal demonstration of Sister Socorro Meza, IHM, I learned the power of conviction and the impact of community engagement and respect. We applied internationally recognized training principles, from outside of the department, to create structural changes.
For six years (as commander in four posts) we replaced the system based on quotas, with an ethic that valued dignity, respect and engagement. We improved the lives of officers and community members. When the new chief demanded we go backwards, I couldn’t agree to that and left the LAPD to focus on training with an international organization.
I know this can be done. I know how to do it. I know that this kind of change only lasts if there is commitment and support from the very top.
Sonoma County has a real chance to make a difference and to lead the nation. Something better is possible. I hope you will join our team. Together, we can make a shift locally and lead nationally. Our time is now.
Please follow us on our Facebook page for information on future candidate forums.
Submitted by the John Mutz campaign for Sonoma County Sheriff

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