My wife and I have been Healdsburg residents since 1990 and raised two children here. Measure R is an obsessive political ideological convoluted, manipulated, and a monstrously complex failure waiting to happen. Measure R is not a modification of the GMO, it is a complete political takeover for massive pro-growth and as presented will destroy the faint resemblance of small town charm and community forever. It will be the biggest disaster in Healdsburg’s history.
First, discussions were ongoing, but the city council believing they could manipulate the vote with registered Healdsburg voters threw property owners and people who voted for the GMO under the proverbial bus. Instead of negotiating in good faith, as required, to reach a consensus among community members, the council threw in the towel for massive growth.
As long as you are registered, even if you are not a U.S. citizen, you can vote. Disgraceful. This means that people who have short-term or temporary interest in Healdsburg will be a controlling factor in Healdsburg’s future placing the financial burden on property owners in perpetuity. Once passed, make no mistake, there will be only three council members driving the development train. What are you going to do? Wait hours to complain at a council meeting?
The money grab of $200,000 from Measure V for housing plan expenses is a screaming departure from the election day promise that the city would use the funds for street maintenance, police and fires services, economic development and repairing deferred maintenance on public buildings. This is breach of trust and slap in the face for the people who voted for the tax increase. The majority of the funds go to the downtown business feeding trough while Healdsburg and Dry Creek avenues looks like Dresden after the war.
Second, the so-called inclusionary component is discriminatory as it targets and benefits a special privileged group, those people making $90,000 to $130,000 plus a year, with favorable compliance regulations. All you have to do is work and/or live in Healdsburg for three years and you are considered a local and deserve a house. Inclusion means everybody, not just a special group with money.
Third, the convoluted, extremely complex requirements would demand extensive and financially burdensome administration that would be controlled by the political forces of Healdsburg now and in the future. If they are going to fudge and manipulate this housing process they surely will continue once it is passed. Do property owner/taxpayers want their taxes used to administer this fiasco for perpetuity?
Fourth, to think that this manipulated political mess is going create a desired housing environment in Healdsburg is silliness. Despite the haphazard inclusionary requirements, when houses come on the market those with the money will find a way to purchase it. Fifth, the GMO was a quality of life concern and Measure R is an aggressive political pro-growth business push. Instead of solving the so-called housing issue, it will exacerbate into a city of madness with traffic gridlock, fire, and police racing all over the place.
Sixth, Healdsburg claims to be environmentally conscious community, yet adding nearly 1,000 houses will bring traffic, congestion, and stress to a living area that is already overcrowded. Seventh, your right to vote will be useless. Eighth, why can’t people use the SMART train if they want to work in Healdsburg? Ninth, many property owning taxpayers have already lost thousands of dollars and years of mature landscaping because of the drought. Although there is mandated water conservation, the proposed housing plan will require massive water use.
I understand the need for housing. I experienced homelessness as a kid and scratched many times for a place to live. For 23 years my wife drove every day to San Francisco and she still drives over 100 miles a day.
Please review the Housing Plan and consider voting no on Measure R, which may encourage interested parties to work together to achieve a logical housing plan consistent with Healdsburg’s respected and desirable quality of life. A no vote preserves your right to have a say about your community and a yes vote means it will be gone forever with no hope of turning back. A yes vote is Healdsburg’s apocalypse.
Kevin J. McCann is a Healdsburg resident

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