12:04 a.m. Noise disturbance on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports neighbor at this address is yelling and breaking things. Warned and advised.

9:36 a.m. Suspicious circumstances reported to Cloverdale Police Department. Reporting party reports being harassed and threatened by her boyfriend’s family.

12:20 p.m. Assist Sonoma County Sheriff on River Road. Reporting party reports husband saw male on the ground in the driveway of this address, with bike and trailer not moving. Caller transferred to Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.

10:19 p.m. Suspicious circumstances no Mayor Way. Reporting party reports someone with a flashlight was in the yard at this address and doesn’t think residents are home. Gone on arrival. 



11:29 a.m. Private property accident on Kings Circle. Reporting party requests to speak with an officer regarding someone hitting her vehicle the night prior. Officer reports note was left on vehicle with information. 

4:07 p.m. Suspicious vehicle on Broad Street and North East Street. Citation to appear.

9:26 p.m. Suspicious circumstances on Muscat Drive. Reporting party requests to make a report about her ex coming into her house when she is not at home. 



10:49 a.m. Assist Sonoma County Sheriff. Reporting party reports victim of assault out in the county. Dispatch gave call to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.

3:33 p.m. Vandalism no South Foothill Boulevard. Reporting party called regarding signs in front yard; vandalized/stole signs; requests officer respond. 

4:45 p.m. Assist out on Healdsburg Avenue. Sonoma County Behavioral Health requests officer transport subject on their 5150 hold. 

9:10 p.m. Suspicious person on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports a female in a “highlighted shirt” with a shopping cart was on her property standing by her window. Subject is now headed northbound on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party states this has happened for a couple of nights and would like her contacted. 

10:58 p.m. Suspicious person on West Brookside Drive and South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party states she hears a male subject in this area that has been yelling at himself for the last 15-20 minutes. Warned and advised.



12:18 a.m. Suspicious circumstances on Portofino Way. Reporting party reports her 26-year-old daughter left about an hour ago to go for a walk and has not returned. Reporting party went out to look for her but was unable to find her. Officers report daughter returned home.

3:51 a.m. Suspicious person on Mayor Way. Reporting party reports a male subject is on her porch, keeps ringing her doorbell and won’t leave. 

7:36 a.m. Private property incident at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller reports truck and trailer went through the drive-thru and damaged building.

8:48 a.m. Petty theft at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller reports theft of cigarettes. 



12:33 p.m. Warrant arrest on North East Street and East First Street. 

1:16 p.m. Juvenile problem on Sunrise Drive. Reporting party reports 15-year-old son spotted driving.

7:59 p.m. Mentally ill at business on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports a transient woman is yelling and screaming. Just came into the establishment and tried to steal her laundry. 



9:37 a.m. Suspicious vehicle occupied on North Redwood Highway. Reporting party reports a male in a black Range Rover sleeping in vehicle, unresponsive to car honking horns. Transported to county jail.

9:55 p.m. Suspicious circumstances at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports female in a plaid shirt, black leggings, American flag bag refusing to pay for items she put in her bag. Party requested officer, believes female may try to leave. One in custody, transported to county jail.



10:11 a.m. Vandalism on First Street. 911 transfer reports subject threw a rock at his vehicle, damaging it. Warned and advised.

6:28 p.m. Suspicious person on North Cloverdale Boulevard and School Street. Reporting party reports male on a bike wearing a black hoodie looking into the back of pickup trucks.

9:39 p.m. Drunk driving on North East Street. One arrested for DUI. Citation to appear.

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