Ideas needed for Citrus Fair theme
EDITOR: Get your creative juices flowing – it’s time to pick next year’s Citrus Fair theme.
The carnival rides are loaded up and the exhibits are taken down, which means the end of another amazing Cloverdale Citrus Fair. We are left with fond memories of family fun and maybe one too many corn dogs. Then again, there’s no such thing as too many corn dogs.
The Cloverdale Citrus Fair is calling all creative minds to submit suggestions for next year’s theme. “Rockin’ with the 50s,” “Pirates of the Fair’Ibbean” and “Up, Up and Away” are just a few creative themes over the past decade. Theme ideas that will be considered must transfer well for marketing and promotional purposes as well as the citrus and still exhibit programs.
Please call 894-3992 or email ad***@cl******************.org by Monday, April 9 with your suggestions. The Citrus Fair team is looking forward to receiving your submissions.
Katie Fonsen Young
CEO, Cloverdale Citrus Fair
Bruised by divisiveness
EDITOR: Once again I am impressed with the profound irony and hypocrisy in which the Indivisible groups operate. While espousing tolerance, respect and inclusiveness they make very clear their intent to flip representatives that are not of appropriate color out of Congress.
This obsession with “Blue vs. Red” and flipping all those out who may not agree with the respective party line out of office seems quite at odds with the alleged beliefs of tolerance, respect and inclusion. As an Independent I suppose I would be violet.
Sadly it seems the color of many in our country is bruised by this divisiveness. What happened to the America of very diverse politics but true respect for each other and the willingness to build upon shared values? An absurd wall is sought by the one side along our southern border. Yet equally absurd walls are being built in many other places and ways in our country.
Harry Martin
Medicare for all
EDITOR: California legislators recently introduced a hodgepodge healthcare package they say will provide more residents with insurance coverage through a series of patches and tweaks to our already convoluted and inefficient system. Their proposals build on the ACA, a system that has tragically demonstrated that insurance coverage, with its huge out of pocket costs, forces many to skip care even if they are paying for premiums.
Why would we want to expand a system designed to enrich the health insurance industry by restricting and denying care to so many? It’s time for California to lead the nation by adopting the Medicare-for-all type system proposed in the Healthy California Act (SB562), sponsored by the California Nurses Association.
Critics of SB562 say it would cost too much. On the contrary, it would save billions and cover everyone, regardless of their economic or immigration status. It is our current healthcare system that costs too much. We pay far more than other nations and get far less, including poorer health outcomes and a reduced life span.
SB562 will save billions of dollars and save lives. We can and must do both.
Joy Metcalfe