Small town life
EDITOR: The recent fire has reinforced my love of small town life. I left my house at 3:30 a.m. with only a few minutes’ notice, taking only my pets. At dawn I realized I had no medication. It is essential that I take certain medications so I went to Cloverdale Pharmacy. It was before normal business hours but the pharmacist was there making sure that town residents that had evacuated were served. With no way to bill or contact insurance, the pharmacist gave me enough medication to last me a week. When we think about where to make our purchases, we should support businesses like this one as they support us. Thank you Cloverdale Pharmacy.
Cecile Peters
Blessing of animals at church
EDITOR: Has your pet been blessed? On Saturday, Oct. 14 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Pastor Jack Dawson will bless your pet in the United Church parking lot at 439 North Cloverdale Boulevard. The blessing is a reminder, both of our relationship to all of creation and how pets are an integral part of many families. It is typically performed around the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, viewed by many as the patron saint of animals and the environment. Pastor Dawson will individually bless each pet with a simple liturgy. All pets are welcome, keeping in mind there will be children in attendance. (Editor’s note: due to the fire situation, we suggest you call the church at 894-2039 to confirm that the blessing is still taking place before you attend).
Jim Nameny
Local heroism
EDITOR: I want to share an incident of local heroism, though it’s one I heard about rather than witnessing first hand. Here’s the story: a week ago I was in Plank and noticed that the barista, Nick, had a bad black eye as well as a cut over the same eye. “Hey, what happened?” I asked. “A woman was getting her purse stolen. I got it back for her,” Nick said. He told me that he was in the Ray’s plaza when he saw a woman being victimized by a grab-and-run thief. Nick pursued the thief and got the purse back but also got the black eye, etc. I really appreciate it when someone takes a risk to help prevent a crime. I’m sure most of us do. Congratulations, Nick.
Thomas King
Key club steps up – a plea for support
EDITOR: I am writing an urgent message to the Cloverdale community. The local Key Club has developed plans to help the fire victims in Sonoma County. These people around the county need our aid, and we are asking those of us who live in the Cloverdale community to provide support for the actions that Key Club wants to perform. We have already put food collection barrels in both Grocery Outlet and Ray’s Food Place.  We regularly work with the Redwood Empire Food Bank, and because of that association, we received an important message from them, which stated, “We are in dire need of ready-to-eat, non-perishable foods that we can provide to the evacuation centers immediately”.  So, the Food Bank needs all the help they can get.  All food donated will be transferred by us to them.
Tucker Morgan
Key Club
Cloverdale High School

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