David Mickaelian

2019-2020 City Council Goals and 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
It is that time of year to begin Healdsburg City Council goal-setting.
The city council will be setting goals for fiscal year 2019-20. The city is also initiating the development of the 2020-25 strategic plan, which will serve as an update to the city’s current strategic plan “Pathway to Sustainability: 2014 – 2019,” which has guided city’s operations and city council goals since its inception.
Having the unique opportunity to work on goal setting and the strategic plan allows the city to establish a clear framework for the city’s priorities, budgets and the allocation of resources.
In Healdsburg, strategic planning represents a collaborative effort that includes the city council, city staff, community stakeholders and the general public.
The community will have many opportunities to assist the city in shaping future goals and strategic plan initiatives as we embark upon these current updates.
2019-2020 City Council Goals
The city council updates its goals each fiscal year (July 1-June 30) and connects the goals to the city’s strategic plan initiatives.
The current strategic plan initiatives are Quality of Life, Economic Diversity and Innovation, Effective and Efficient Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and Infrastructure and Facilities.
This year, the city council will use our existing 2018-19 goals as a baseline for the upcoming goal-setting process. This approach allows city staff and city council to review and comment on the existing goals, to determine if they continue to be priorities, and to potentially introduce new goals for consideration for the upcoming fiscal year.
To that end, the city council will hold a special work session from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday, April 15, at City Hall to discuss and provide direction on goals for fiscal year 2019-20. You are welcome to attend and provide feedback to the Council.
If you can’t attend in person, you can watch the meeting live online or on-demand via the city website.
If you are interested in reviewing the city council goals for the current fiscal year 2018-19, which ends June 30, please visit here.
2020-2025 Strategic Plan
The current strategic plan was developed in fall 2013 and implemented in 2014. It is anticipated that the strategic plan update will take several months to complete. The scope of work to update the strategic plan includes speaker-series meetings, which will be held in May and June of this year.
The intent of the speaker series is to educate and spark discussion on a number of topics prior to meetings with city staff, city council and the general public.
It is anticipated that one of the topics for the speaker series will be the SDAT report. Once the speaker series is completed, the city will hold strategic-planning workshops in August with city council, city staff, and the general public. I invite your feedback at these sessions to help guide us as we develop the new strategic plan.
The 2020-25 strategic plan should be ready for city council adoption by the end of November of this year. Once the dates for the speaker series and strategic planning workshops are finalized, we will promote them via the city’s website (ci.healdsburg.ca.us) and social media (Facebook and Nextdoor) as well as through printed flyers and other materials that we will distribute.
We look forward to seeing you at one or all of these sessions.
David Mickaelian is the Healdsburg City Manager. To submit ideas or questions for this column, email [email protected].

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