With no public hearings and no presentations, the Healdsburg City Council is tackling a modest agenda during its May 3 meeting. The council will discuss whether or not it wants to implement stage two of its Water Shortage Emergency Plan, and will discuss whether it wants to appoint Carrie Hunt to the city planning commission. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and is being held over Zoom.
What to do about water
As the region delves deeper into drought, the Healdsburg City Council is joining councils across the county to discuss how it wants to address impacted water availability. At Mondayā€™s meeting, the council will discuss implementing stage two of its Water Shortage Emergency Plan.
ā€œStage 2 calls for mandatory conservation to achieve a system-wide 20% reduction of total water use. By activating Stage 2, the city can stem excessive water use, and adopt water-saving practices (that) carry the community through a multi-year drought,ā€ states the council agenda packet.
Stage two of the cityā€™s water shortage plan puts limitations on irrigation, restricting irrigation times from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.; other outdoor water uses, like hosing down outside surfaces, washing vehicles and building and refilling swimming pools; as well as both commercial and operational water use.
Additionally, city staff is recommending that the council implement the following water-saving measures;
ā—Ā Ā Ā  Drinking water served in restaurants upon request only.
ā—Ā Ā Ā  Limit irrigation and watering to three assigned days per week ā€“ Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday in lieu of every other day watering scheduled detailed in the ordinance.
ā—Ā Ā Ā  Require the combined monthly total irrigation of city parks and the golf course to demonstrate at least a 20% reduction in monthly usage from the previous year but allow irrigation on any day between the evening hours of 8 p.m. and 7 a.m.
ā—Ā Ā Ā  Prohibit the washing of passenger, commercial and recreation vehicles at locations other than those that recycle at least 80% of the water used.
To read more about the cityā€™s plan for water-saving measures, click here.
Planning commissioner
Last on the council agenda is council discussion on whether or not it wants to appoint Carrie Hunt to the Planning Commission for a two-year term, or if it wants to extend the deadline to receive applications for the current Planning Commission vacancy. Hunt was the only applicant for the position, and city staff is recommending that she be appointed as a planning commissioner.
According to Huntā€™s application for planning commissioner, sheā€™s a third-generation Sonoma County resident and is interested ā€œin the healthy growth and long term positive impact of appropriate urban planning and development.ā€
She currently works as the director of business development for Sonoma Hill Builders.
How to view the meeting
To watch the May 3 meeting, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/82639992415. You can also watch the meeting live on the cityā€™s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofhealdsburg.
To make a public comment, join the meeting by typing in webinar ID: 875 0042 7942 and at the bottom of the screen click on the ā€œraise handā€ icon and wait for your name to be called.
To join the meeting via phone:
Dial 669-900-9128 or 253-215-8782 or 346-248-7799.
Enter the meeting ID: 875 0042 7942 and press # #.
If the meeting host has started the meeting, you should join automatically. If the meeting host has not started the meeting, remain in the meeting and it will start shortly.
To view the agenda packet in its entirety, visit: http://healdsburgca.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=1&ID=2071&Inline=True

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