The seven candidates for Healdsburg’s three open city council seats will be on the Raven Performing Arts Theater stage tonight, Thursday, Oct. 6, in their second meeting of the election season.
The AAUW (American Association of University Women) Candidate Forum and Town Hall will begin promptly at 6:30pm. Moderators will be Laura Tredinnick, president of the Healdsburg AAUW, and Marcy Flores, associate director, academic development, Corazon Healdsburg.
Maryann Cavallo, another AAUW member, will be sorting the questions asked by the audience and giving them to the moderators. All three moderators live outside the Healdsburg city limits and thus cannot vote in the coming election.
Spanish translation will be offered to anyone who needs it, by using a headset, with Javier Torres acting as translator.
The November ballot will include four candidates for two full-term, four-year city council seats. Voters can select two, and the top two vote getters will be elected. There is also a partial two-year term up for election; three candidates are competing for that single seat.
“Once again, we want to stress that AAUW is committed to impartiality. As an organization, we will not endorse any candidates,” said Tyra Benoit, public policy director, Healdsburg AAUW.
Each candidate will have 90 seconds for an opening statement, and one minute each to respond to four questions posed by the moderators. Moderators will then select questions from the audience to ask the candidates; again, the 60-second rule applies.
A final one-minute closing statement from each candidate will end the forum by 8pm, said Benoit.The Raven Performing Arts Theater is located at 115 North St., Healdsburg. Admission is free; first come, first seated.