City hall.

Healdsburg City Council will meet on Monday, May 20 at 6 p.m. at city hall, 401 Grove St.
The North Entry Area Plan (NEAP) will go before council in a public hearing after being worked on by the Planning Commission. The NEAP may be incorporated into the city’s general plan and an ordinance may be introduced placing the NEAP overlay into the municipal code.
Before that, chamber of commerce president Carla Howell will be recognized for her service now that she is retiring.
Old business on the agenda includes the purchase of property at 500 Piper St. and 531-35 University St. totaling $3.1 million. Appropriations may be increased to $550,000 to the Housing Trust Fund via bond proceeds as part of the deal.
The Growth Management Ordinance is also up for possible changes to policies and procedures and the Transportation Advisory Commission may be dissolved.
New business is planning for parks and river access at multiple sites. The cost for the efforts is not to exceed $484,738, according to the agenda.
Two theme will be proclaimed for upcoming weeks: Affordable Housing Week for the week of May 10 and National Public Works Week for May 19.
Among items on the consent calendar are the second reading of the ADU ordinance, the continuation of the local emergency due to February’s floods and an easement for the Boys and Girls Club at 555 Piper St. There will also be a resolution for the fire station roof repair, which would take $39,534 out of the  Building Maintenance Fund.

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