The 2013 members of Cloverdale Key Club are committed to bettering the lives of everyone within the global community. In this past month of October, with the help of local citizens, they were able to raise $1000 for UNICEF and the Kiwanis Eliminate Project. Kiwanis International’s “Eliminate Project” is attempting to eradicate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus from the face of the Earth. Kiwanis has teamed up with UNICEF, hiring their doctors to travel to remote locations with tetanus vaccines to be given to women of child-bearing age. This allows them to give birth without fear of their newborns dying from tetanus contracted from unsanitary birthing conditions. The CHS Key Club raised these funds by doing a variety of activities. At the beginning of October the Key Club members dispersed over fifty UNICEF fundraising boxes to businesses in town, and left them there until the first week of November. On October 20th, during the Cloverdale Kiwanis Marathon, they held a pumpkin carving contest in which the people voted on the pumpkin they liked best by putting money into a donation box placed next to it. They also set up donation boxes throughout the high school classrooms. Along with the CHS Interact Club, they fundraised money on Halloween night through Trick-Or-Treating. Lastly, they sponsored a pumpkin smashing event on November 8th, held between the halls of the high school during lunchtime. The students each paid $2 to smash a pumpkin to their heart’s content. Since $1.80 is all it takes for the tetanus shots that save lives, the $1000 sent off to Kiwanis International will save at least 556 babies! The Key Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Cloverdale, both adults and CHS students, for their generosity.
Cloverdale High School Key Clubbers recently held a Pumpkin Carving Contest as part of their efforts to raise funds for the UNICEF/Kiwanis Eliminate Project. Voting for the best pumpkin design involved donations for the cause. This was just one of several activities that the members over-saw in their efforts to reach their $1000 fundraising goal for the cause. The club is proud to announce that the goal was met and as a result, over 500 lives will be saved!