On Wednesday, Oct. 22, the Cloverdale High School Boys Varsity Cross Country team defeated Lower Lake 23/32, led by Emmett Lawson’s fourth place finish in a 23-runner field. Coach Clint Kemp described the course as “a monstrous 2.9 mile course, appropriately named Bald Hill.” Nick Schnieder and Nick Rilea finished 11th and 12th.
The CHS Girls defeated Lower Lake 19/39, with Angela Romero winning the race, Katie Edwards finished fifth. Anabelle Doyle finished sixth. Ariana Fernandez was seventh. Marty Beard finished eighth. Liliana Ramos finished 12th and Sami Santana finished 21st in a 31-runner field.
The JV Boys were defeated by Lower Lake 21/36 with Derick Rilea and Adrian Zavala finishing seventh and eighth in a 17-runner field.

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