North country residents interested in hearing about the state’s
ongoing fiscal crisis can hear it straight from one directly
involved in the process next week when assemblyman Wesley Chesbro
comes to Windsor.
Chesbro, one of 26 assemblypersons on California’s budget
committee, will speak at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 16 at Flour
Creations Bakery as the invited guest of the Windsor Democratic
Club. The assemblyman is expected to speak on topics ranging from
the budget to health care to the environment—and anything else his
constituents decide to ask him about.
“It’s important to meet with groups and hear what’s on people’s
minds,” said Maddy Hirschfield, Chesbro’s district director. “We do
legislation that’s important to the people we represent. It’s
important that we meet with them and hear what their issues
The Windsor Democratic Club has similar reasons for asking him
to speak to the community in a casual environment with a
question-and-answer session at the end. “We’re trying to mobilize
the Democrats to get involved with politics and we’re trying to
take care of our Town,” said club president Rick Massell. “We want
Windsor to be more politically active and more politically
involved. And it’s fun to get involved with your local
The town hall meeting is free to the public but Massell said the
club would be accepting new members—annual dues are $20 a year—and
The club hasn’t asked Chesbro to speak on anything specific,
leaving it up to both the assemblyman and those in attendance
asking questions. “We left it up to him on what he wants to speak
on,” said Massell. “People will have a chance to ask him questions
and find out answers to their questions on local issues. They may
ask him where he stands on the propositions on the November ballot.
Some of them will definitely affect us, and he’d have a good
Hirshfield said Tuesday that Chesbro would not bring a prepared
speech and will welcome questions and comments from his
Chesbro is deeply involved in the state’s ongoing budget issues.
He’s one of only 26 assemblypersons on the state’s budget
committee, and one of 18 on a budget subcommittee that oversees
health and human servies.
He also chairs the natural resources committee, which oversees
air quality, climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy,
CEQA, coastal protection, forestry, land conservation, oil spills,
solid waste and recycling. Chesbro has been a longtime advocate for
the environment in Northern California.
In recent years Chesbro has “stepped out of his comfort zone”
and taken on health issues, according to Hirshfield. He chairs a
special committee on disabilities, dedicated to working on mental
health issues, developmental disabilities and physical
Next week’s event is billed as an opportunity to speak with
Chesbro and to meet with the Windsor Democratic Club. The club is
also meeting at Café Noto at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 11 to walk
precincts in support of Democrats running for office this November.
Massell said interested folks are welcome to show up and learn more
about the club.
For more information on either event contact Massell at

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