Sonoma County has several Mexican markets — a place where you can find a taqueria inside and your favorite items for cooking. Jose Castañeda, owner of Casteñeda’s Marketplace in Windsor, uses his market to also give back to the community through veteran breakfasts and themed appreciation days for teachers, law enforcement, high school graduates and more. He said he likes to give because he is always receiving — it is his way of returning the favor.
“We made a decision a long time ago that we were going to be … a socially-conscious business, right? That we were going to be vested in our community. We think of it as an investment in unity. The primary thing that we focus on the veterans, the schools and the local churches — those are like our three main giving or supporting activities that we do on a regular basis,” Castañeda said.
Ten years ago, someone approached him about attending a veterans breakfast and he had the idea to invite the group over for their next meeting, a tradition that’s continued every Saturday since. Some of them have been consistent in attending since the start. Castañeda said he wanted to support them and make them feel appreciated considering the PTSD and long waits at the VA clinics some of them endure.
“I made it a point that the veterans, if there was one thing that they were not going to be lacking, or that they weren’t going to be let down in, was this,” he said.
“I feel privileged that I am in a position to give back, and it sustains me that the veterans really appreciate what I do for them. For many of them, it’s the highlight of the week. A lot of them became friends here. Aside from the food, it is kind of like the plus. But they come here for the connection and the camaraderie,” Castañeda said.
To support the free weekly breakfast, Castañeda uses his separate catering business Paella Guy to fund it, since he would not be able to do it solely from his market’s profit.

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