There was a scary car accident Wednesday on Fitch Mountain, when someone driving a red Toyota Corolla careened off the right side of the road just before 5pm, smashing through a fence and into a house, according to the Press Democrat. Fortunately, the driver “escaped serious injury” — and while the house at 2150 S. Fitch Mountain Rd. “sustained structural damage,” no one’s living there right now, the PD reports. Cloverdale Towing was the agency that responded and tugged the crunched car out of the embankment and back up onto the road. Healdsburg police are reportedly investigating how and why the crash happened. (Source: Press Democrat)

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Simone Wilson was born and raised in Healdsburg, CA, where she was the editor of the Healdsburg High School Hound's Bark. She has since worked as a local journalist for publications in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York City and the Middle East. Simone is now a senior product manager and staff writer for the Healdsburg Tribune.


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