Following the well-attended candidates’ forum at Coyote Sonoma on Sept. 14, the Healdsburg chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has announced plans for a similar forum to be held at the Raven Performing Arts Theater on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 6:30pm.
The AAUW’s Tyra Benoit told the Tribune that they took on the project “just a couple of weeks ago when we learned that the League of Women Voters would not be doing a forum in Healdsburg.” The League frequently hosts non-partisan candidate forums, but this year they were short of volunteers and budget to cover the Healdsburg City Council races.
“All of the candidates have said that they will participate, so we are thrilled by that news,” said Benoit, the new public policy director for the chapter. She said they have lined up a Spanish translator and will be doing real-time translation, with help from Corazón Healdsburg. “We hope to make this a very inclusive event.”
A livestream on Facebook, in conjunction with the Raven Theater, is also being planned. The AAUW committee is preparing the questions that will be asked; questions will also be solicited from the audience, and the team will decide (and potentially translate) which of those questions will be asked, to avoid duplication.
Unlike the Chamber of Commerce, which hosted last month’s candidate event, the AAUW does not endorse any candidate. In this it is similar to the League of Women Voters, in taking a neutral, hands-off position. (The Chamber endorsements were made following their candidate forum and announced on Facebook.)
Doors will open at 5:30 pm. There are no tickets required. Admission is free, on a first come, first seated bas